Tag Archives: prayer campaign

Summer prayer campaign


To all believers in the United Kingdom

Dearly loved Friends,

The summer months will be a time of great activity throughout the United Kingdom.  Following on from the recent Call to Heroism gatherings, youth are committing their time to intensive training for teaching and community building activity; projects are getting under way in several neighbourhoods and clusters; and efforts are being made to strengthen those clusters that are striving to reach or regain the level of activity associated with an intensive programme of growth.  The National Spiritual Assembly is delighted to see the plans already in place that will surely make this a golden summer, with a wonderful flourishing of activity!

No spiritual enterprise can succeed, however, without divine assistance.  Thus, to lend spiritual support to this summer’s efforts, the National Assembly would like to invite those friends, who are able to do so, to commit themselves to a rota for daily prayers at the Guardian’s Resting Place.  The aim is to have at least one friend praying in that sacred spot for the teaching work every single day from now until mid-September.

To this end, an online calendar has been created and the friends are lovingly invited to sign up for dates when they can spend time praying for the success of the summer projects.  The calendar can be found here: https://summerprayers.co.uk/booking/.  You may sign up for any day or days, including those which other friends have already signed for.  Your offer will shortly be followed up with confirmation from the National Office.

The Universal House of Justice has told us that it is during this period, between the two bicentenaries of the Births of the Báb and Bahá’u’lláh, that “the greatest share of the effort needed to fulfil the goal of the Plan” is required.  All of the believers throughout the land are lovingly invited to join the National Assembly – whether at the Guardian’s Resting Place or in their homes – in summoning the hosts of divine assistance to surround and confirm the community’s devoted endeavours at this time of “special potency”.

With loving Bahá’í greetings,

Patrick O’Mara

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