Tag Archives: Regional Baha’i Councils

Regional Bahá’í Council elections & nominations

31 October 2019
16 ‘Ilm 176 B.E.

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  • Regional Bahá’í Councils elections and nominations
  • Secretariat Aide to the Bahá’í Council for Wales
  • Reporting bicentenary events and activities
  • 72 hours, one world
  • Open day at the Afnan Library

Regional Bahá’í Council Elections and Nominations
This is a reminder to all members of Local Spiritual Assemblies to cast their ballots for the election or nomination of the members of their Regional Councils.  All Local Spiritual Assemblies have received ballot papers from their Council.  The deadline for submission of ballot papers is 7 November, so time is very short.  Kindly give this your urgent attention if you have not already submitted your ballot paper.

Secretariat Aide to the Bahá’í Council for Wales
In view of the increasing work that the Regional Bahá’í Councils are asked to carry out in pursuit of the goals of the Five Year Plan, the Bahá’í Council for Wales has established a Secretariat.  The first Secretariat Aide was appointed in March 2017.  Applications are now being sought for the role, to commence service in early December 2019.  Full details are available here >

Reporting bicentenary events and activities
All Local Spiritual Assemblies, Groups and isolated believers are asked to kindly share details, photographs and video clips of their bicentenary activities by Monday 4 November using this online form.  Whilst it is preferable to use this form, reports and photographs may also be sent by email to nsa@bahai.org.uk

72 hours, one world
 Over the course of three rotations of the Earth, humanity on every land commemorated the anniversaries of the births of the Báb and Bahá’u’lláh.  Read more, here >

Open Day at the Afnan Library

The Trustees of the Afnan Library Trust warmly invite you and your family to an Open Day at the Afnan Library, Saturday 2 November, 11.00am to 4pm, at The Old Chapel, 14 Pleasant Place, Sandy, Bedfordshire SG19 1HX.  Light refreshments will be served. For further information please contact Wendi Momen on 01767 627 626 or wendi@momen.org.

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