Tag Archives: Ridvan

The Festival of Ridván

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To all believers in the United Kingdom

Dearly loved Friends,

The promised Day of God is come! He Who is the Manifestation of the Adored One hath been established upon the throne of His name, the All-Loving, and the sun of His bounty hath cast its rays upon the seeing and seen alike. Wherefore renounce ye, O denizens of the realms of limitation, that which ye possess, adorn your temples with His glorious vesture, and behold with untainted vision Him Who is the luminous Beauty of God seated upon the throne of glory in His transcendent, His almighty and all-subduing sovereignty. All praise be to the Best-Beloved, Who hath revealed His hidden beauty with such manifest authority! 
                                                             Bahá’u’lláh, Days of Remembrance, no.10

The National Spiritual Assembly sends its warmest, abiding love to all of you as the Bahá’í world prepares to celebrate the festival of Riḍván.  The 12-day period begins this year at sunset on 20 April, and commemorates the world-shaking moment when Bahá’u’lláh publicly declared Himself as the Manifestation of God for this day.  Shoghi Effendi specified that the friends should abstain from working, if possible, on the first, ninth and twelfth days of Riḍván, which fall this year on 21 April, 29 April and 2 May, respectively.

For every Bahá’í – blessed beyond measure to be among those who have recognised His station – this is a time of great joy, gratitude, and reflection. It is also a time for renewal, with the imminent election of Local and National Spiritual Assemblies for the coming year, a year that will also see the historic bicentenary of the Birth of the Báb.

The National Assembly will continue to remember all of the friends in its prayers, beseeching Bahá’u’lláh that divine blessings will confirm their every effort to establish communities and institutions that are the embodiment of His vision of a just, united, and peaceful world.

With loving Bahá’í greetings,

Patrick O’Mara

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