Tag Archives: South of England

Southern English Summer School

30 June 2017
8 Raḥmat 174 B.E.

Please see below a message from the Bahá’í Council for England for your kind attention.

Dearly loved friends,

The Bahá’í Council for England is delighted to announce that the registration for this year’s Southern English Summer School is now live!

This year we have another beautiful venue: the school of Culford, in Bury St Edmunds, which will act as the home of Southern English Summer School between Saturday 26 August and Thursday 31st August 2017.

The theme of this year’s summer schools is ‘The Twin Manifestations’. We warmly invite you and your friends to register.

The registration link: http://www.bahaievents.org.uk/wp/southern-england-summer-school-2017/

We are particularly delighted to welcome as our plenary speakers Mrs Joan Lincoln, former Counsellor member of the International Teaching Centre, and Dr Albert Lincoln, former Secretary General of the Bahá’í International Community.

As relayed in our recent letter regarding the Northern Summer School, the Bahá’í Council for England has been working closely with the Training Institute Board to bring intensive training to summer school with the following of total courses offered:

  1. 1. Exploring the Qur’an
  2. Letters to the Kings
  3. Nabil’s Narrative: The Dawnbreakers
  4. Science and Art
  5. The Kitáb-i-Íqán
  6. Wealth & Prosperity
  7. Introduction to the Baha’i Faith in Farsi
  8. Book 1: Reflections on the Life of the Spirit
  9. Book 3 Grade 2: Teaching Children’s Classes, Grade 2
  10. Book 4: The Twin Manifestations

Course descriptions will be available on the registration page.

Friends, the following words from the recent Ridván Message from our Supreme Body have inspired the Council in its approach to both schools:

‘Viewed aright, this year presents the single greatest worldwide opportunity there has ever been for connecting hearts to Bahá’u’lláh. In the months ahead, let all be mindful of this precious chance and alert to the possibilities that exist in every space for acquainting others with His life and sublime mission. For the teaching opportunity that is now before the Bahá’í world to be seized to its fullest extent, creative thought needs to be given to the conversations that could unfold with every kind of person. In the course of such meaningful conversations, perception is heightened and hearts are opened—sometimes immediately. In this worthy occupation all find a calling, and of the joy that comes from being engaged in this work none should deprive themselves. We entreat the one Beloved that the whole of this bicentennial year may be filled with this joy that is purest and sweetest: telling another soul of the dawning of the Day of God.’

Thinking about “possibilities that exist in every space for acquainting others with His life and sublime mission” and how we can take advantage of the ‘single greatest worldwide opportunity there has ever been for connecting hearts to Bahá’u’lláh’ there will be several opportunities for our friends of the Faith to be connected to Bahá’u’lláh. The Plenaries will be focused on the theme of the school; ’The Twin Manifestations.’

We have an Introduction to the Bahá’í Faith in Farsi course, a daily ‘rolling’ Introduction to the Bahá’í Faith in English for single day visitors and a Ruhi Book 1:Reflections on the Life of the Spirit for those friends ready to enter the institute process and learn about studying the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, Prayer Life beyond this World and apply these teachings to serve in their communities.

Regarding Summer Schools being a space for teaching friends about the Faith, the beloved Guardian wrote to an individual believer in 1932:

‘Through daily association with the believers, non-Bahá’ís will come to see the Cause functioning as an active and living community entirely dedicated to the service of what is best and highest in the world. The lectures will familiarize them with the principles underlying the New World Order, while their participation in the social life of the believers will enable them to see the way in which these very same principles are put into operation.’

We look forward to welcoming you, your families and friends to Southern Summer School in Culford.

With abiding love,

Ronnie Y. Bindra
Secretary, Bahá’í Council for England

Email: bce@bahai.org.uk

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bahaicouncilforengland

Bahá’í Council for England

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