Tag Archives: stories

Stories – responding to the Plan

National Spiritual Assembly

8 June 2015
4 Núr 172 B.E.

To all believers in the United Kingdom

Dearly loved Co-workers,

Since the National Spiritual Assembly announced the goal of doubling the number of core activities during the final year of the Plan there has been a wonderful response at all levels in the community. Individuals are looking at their personal circumstances to see in what way they can respond, and institutions are consulting together to see how they can encourage and support individual and collective efforts to contribute to the goal. We are delighted to share some brief examples:

  • A young professional was faced with a change in her work situation. Whilst filling job applications she remembered the need for a neighbouring cluster to launch a programme of growth and the call for greater support from visiting teachers or home-front pioneers, which she longed to contribute to. She consulted with the relevant institutions and realised the opportunity this circumstance opened for her to apply for work in the goal cluster. She prayed and waited to see how God will guide her next steps, and before long she was confirmed with a new job in the goal cluster, giving her a wonderful opportunity to serve in this way.
  • Within a few days after the announcement of the goal, the Council in Northern Ireland was looking at each of the clusters in its region to see how the friends in Northern Ireland can contribute their share to the overall goal. Together with one of the Auxiliary Board members and Regional Coordinator, plans were made to consult with cluster agencies, Spiritual Assemblies, groups of friends in neighbourhoods and individual believers, with the aim of developing a common vision for how the goal can be achieved. Given the shortness of time, it was felt that locations for establishing new activities and timelines for their establishment needed to be set, with accompaniment offered as necessary.
  • The largest cluster in Europe, London, has also responded swiftly. Already Local Spiritual Assemblies have been written to by the cluster agencies, who have offered to consult with them to see how each can move forward in playing their part in winning the goals of the Plan. Consultations are already taking place!
  • In consultation with an Auxiliary Board member, a Local Assembly was able to reflect on the Riḍván 2015 message and identify its ‘present position’ before thinking about what would characterise a ‘stronger one’. Having considered its resources and its possibilities, the Assembly pledged to support the friends to triple the number of core activities in the town – from five to fifteen by the end of the Plan! This will involve opening devotional gatherings and children’s classes where currently there are none, and multiplying the number of junior youth groups and study circles. The Assembly also identified a number of questions that it would have to begin learning about such as ‘why have certain activities started but not been sustained?’, ‘what does it mean for the Institution to support the friends in their efforts?’ and ‘what does it mean to multiply the core activities in one or more neighbourhoods?’

We hope these stories will serve as an inspiration to you—please share your stories with us for next month’s update!

With loving Bahá’í greetings,

Patrick O’Mara,

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