Tag Archives: subsidy

Events subsidy

National Spiritual Assembly

23 June 2016
1 Raḥmat 173 B.E.

All believers in the United Kingdom

Dearly loved Friends,

Joyfully, the National Spiritual Assembly wishes to share with the community that it has decided to significantly subsidise attendance at events such as institutional gatherings, National Convention, institute seminars, youth gatherings and summer schools.

This decision was made after careful consideration of the priority needs of the community and with a desire to see a wider representation of souls, including friends of the Faith where relevant, attend events such as these. This significant increase in the outflow of financial resources from the National Fund will, we are confident, provide an impetus to the teaching work at the local and cluster level, and in particular enable a greater number of community of interest to be accompanied by Bahá’ís to participate in schools, gatherings and training events.

The pricing structure for all such events over the next year, including this year’s summer schools, will now be:

  Full board day rate single room Full board day rate

twin / double room

Day delegate  Day delegate married couple
Adult £25.00 £37.50 £12.00 £18.00
Youth £15.00 na £8.00 na
Child (5–12) £10.00 na £5.00 na
Child (below 5) £ – na £ – na

As regards Summer Schools, whilst the pricing will be the same as detailed above, the full-price of attendance will be indicated so that the friends can, if they wish, pay more than the subsidised price. This will be stated on the registration website.

We know from this year’s Riḍván message that this new five-year period calls for a “commitment of courage, resolve, and resources”, and this decision of the National Assembly is one expression of this. But in making this decision, the National Assembly was reminded of this passage of the beloved Guardian and is assured that the outpouring of resources will be replenished by the generosity and reciprocity of the believers:

We must be like the fountain or spring that is continually emptying itself of all that it has and is continually being refilled from an invisible source. To be continually giving out for the good of our fellows undeterred by fear of poverty and reliant on the unfailing bounty of the Source of all wealth and all good – this is the secret of right living.

With loving Bahá’í greetings,

Patrick O’Mara,

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