Tag Archives: Unit Conventions

Unit Convention

National Spiritual Assembly

6 October 2016
11 Mashíyyat 173 B.E.

To all believers in the United Kingdom

Dearly loved Friends,

Unit convention arrangements

The National Spiritual Assembly announced, in a letter dated 16 August 2016, that significant changes are being made to the arrangements of this year’s unit conventions. We are pleased to now outline some further information about these changes and their implications, which we feel certain will redound to the efficacy and spirit of unit conventions and, indeed, National Convention itself. An outline explanation of the changes is given in this letter and attached is a more detailed explanation of certain aspects for those interested in reading further.

New unit boundaries
On the basis of guidance from the Universal House of Justice the National Assembly has set new unit boundaries for this year. Drawing on the many positive dynamics that are generated by the expansion and consolidation of the community within a cluster, cluster boundaries are now used to help define the new unit areas. Please find enclosed a table which sets out the clusters or areas that comprise each unit, the host, and the number of delegates to be elected. A map showing the new unit areas in the UK is also enclosed. As these documents show, there are now 38 units in total, electing a total of 95 delegates. This means that many of the units will now elect more than one delegate, according to the principle of proportionate representation.

A more detailed explanation of the reason why this change has been effected, and the basis upon which the unit boundaries have been determined, is included below this letter.

New voting arrangements
Electing the delegates to National Convention is a vital obligation entrusted to all adult believers, and every effort will be made to ensure that each believer has the opportunity to cast his or her ballot. To maximise opportunities for casting ballots, new methods of voting will be introduced. Additional information on this point is also stated below this letter.

Timing of unit convention
The National Assembly has decided that unit conventions may be held between Monday 16 January and Friday 17 February 2017. (An exception is granted to the Scottish Islands and North Highlands Units, which may hold theirs earlier to make travel arrangements easier.) Unit hosts, who are in the process of being appointed, will be sent further guidance in the second half of November. They will then invite the friends to unit convention, distribute ballot papers and so forth.

We appreciate that questions may arise and unforeseen difficulties may be encountered as we introduce these new arrangements this year. But the National Assembly is keen to implement them as early as possible, despite the short notice, and it does so knowing that much will be learnt this year as we set about together to introduce these new arrangements that will surely strengthen, yet further, the bonds of love and unity that so wonderfully characterise the community of the Greatest Name in the UK.

Dear friends, the changes in arrangements for unit convention outlined above are significant indeed – more so this year, as the delegates chosen by the entire body of adult believers will elect the National Assembly members who will, in turn, elect the Universal House of Justice itself at International Convention in 2018. This sacred process represents a powerful opportunity for each individual to play their part in the administrative order, the nucleus and pattern of the World Order of Bahá’u’lláh.

With loving Bahá’í greetings,

Patrick O’Mara,













































Click here to download spreadsheet with list of electoral units

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