Tag Archives: Unit Conventions

UK Bahá’í News Update

13 January 2021
15 Sharaf 177 B.E.

– New term for Auxiliary Board members
– Unit conventions 2021

– Subscribe to the Bahá’í World News Service
– Vanuatu: Building a common vision for moral education

New term for Auxiliary Board members

The Continental Board of Counsellors has informed all National Spiritual Assemblies in Europe that the Universal House of Justice has determined that, exceptionally, the new five-year term for Auxiliary Board members will this year begin on 1 July 2021 rather than on the Day of the Covenant.  This is to provide the Auxiliary Board members with sufficient time to make preparatory arrangements for the conference of the Continental Boards of Counsellors and Auxiliary Board members called for in January 2022.

Unit conventions 2021 

This year’s unit conventions will take place over the weekend of 4-5 December 2021.  Please put these dates in your diary and keep this weekend free.  It would be wise not to plan any other Bahá’í activities during this weekend, until the specific date of the unit convention in your area has been selected.  This will facilitate as many friends as possible having the bounty of participating in this event which, as you are aware, is part of a process of profound significance within Bahá’í community life and, as noted in the 18 January 2019 message from the Universal House of Justice, “is itself an expression of peace”.

For reasons related to transportation, an exception to the above dates is provided to the ‘Shetland and Orkney Islands’, the ‘Western Isles and North Highland’ and the ‘Solent, Dorset and Channel Islands’ units. In this light, these three units may hold their unit conventions between early September and mid-October.

Subscribe to the Bahá’í World News Service

The Bahá’í World News Service is keeping abreast of how communities worldwide are growing and developing, including responding to the challenges of the current health crisis.  The friends are reminded that they can be alerted to new articles, podcasts, updates and notifications as they appear on the Bahá’í World News Service, via email, mobile phone app, Twitter and Instagram.  Click here to subscribe >

Building a common vision in Vanuatu for moral education >

As Vanuatu celebrates 40 years of independence, a national conversation about the direction of the education of children and youth is gaining momentum.

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