Tag Archives: Unit Conventions

Unit Convention 2019 dates

This year’s unit conventions will be held over the weekend of 30 November – 1 December 2019.  This applies to all parts of the United Kingdom, with the exception of the Shetland & Orkney Islands, North Highlands & Western Islands, and Solent, Dorset & Channel Islands units.  For reasons of transport, they may hold their unit conventions between early September and mid-October.

Please ensure you have these dates in your diary and keep this weekend free.  Until the specific date of the unit convention in your area has been announced by your unit host, all institutions and individuals are kindly requested not to plan any Bahá’í activities during this weekend.  This will assist as many friends as possible to have the bounty of participating in this important event in the rhythm of Bahá’í community life.  Further details regarding your convention will be sent to you by your unit’s host community in due course.

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