Category Archives: Centenary Ascension of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá

‘Abdu’l-Bahá Centenary Update 3

1 September 2021
14 Asmá’ 178 B.E.

The Universal House of Justice has described the One Year Plan as a “year for profound reflection on the life of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá and the strength of the Covenant of which He was the Centre…”  Here is another selection of news and resources to inspire and assist the friends in their “profound reflection” and acts of service in His honour.

There are now five new collections of materials for devotional gatherings on the Elevate website, dedicated to profound reflection on the life of the Master.  They cover the themes of  EducationForgivenessVisionFreedom and Servitude, and are all available here >

Over a series of three webinars, members of Local Spiritual Assemblies have been sharing their plans that are already being made, or activities that are under way.  Here is a selection of them, gleaned from the third webinar, that may inspire other communities’ efforts:

  • Many communities have been reflecting upon service and thinking about what ‘Abdu’l-Bahá would Himself do or want us to do in His name. Some have been helping their neighbours, supporting food banks, assisting in soup kitchens and cleaning public spaces.
  • Children have been telling stories of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá at Feasts.
  • One community has held a picnic gathering in a local park to meet new friends and engage in uplifting conversations.  Several people stayed for up to two hours chatting, while their children engaged in an art activity.
  • One community is helping children with their reading skills.
  • Another Assembly is planning a family day at the City Hall where the film will be shown.

New audio resources released

The Anis Foundation, based in Newbury, produces moral and spiritual audio stories for children in collaboration with many friends in the Thames Valley Cluster.  Two audiobooks have been produced to convey the character of the Master. One is a collection of stories about His life for children and the other is a short audio portrait titled Love Over Hate which is more devotional/mature in character: These audio products are now available on all major platforms including Spotify, Amazon music, and Apple Music. 

New online animated video

Through Their Eyes is a short animation that brings to life how ‘Abdu’l-Bahá touched the lives of certain notable individuals. We get a glimpse of what the Lebanese poet, writer, and artist Khalil Gibran said about ‘Abdu’l-Bahá after they met in New York, how the Japanese poet Yone Noguchi described ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s teachings, and also how ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s unbounded love influenced Lady Blomfield.

Watch Through Their Eyes (English version) here >
Watch کلید رهایی درون قفس (Persian version) here >

Gift from the National Spiritual Assembly
Every Local Spiritual Assembly should by now have been sent two gift books to distribute to every Bahá’í household within their community. Copies will also be sent directly to friends living outside of a Local Assembly area. It is hoped that these two gifts will encourage you in your individual and collective endeavours to follow in the footsteps of our Perfect Exemplar.  Further copies will be available from Bahá’í Books UK.

Support and resources for centenary activities

The National Spiritual Assembly has shared an initial list of resources that are available, or are being produced, to assist the friends in their commemoration of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá in this special year.  These include two films forthcoming from the Bahá’í World Centre, Teaching Conferences, the study of institute courses and special literature.

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