Category Archives: Conferences

Message from the National Spiritual Assembly

2 April 2022
14 Bahá 179 B.E.

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To all the believers in the United Kingdom

Dearly loved Friends,

…vibrant local communities, characterized by tolerance and love and guided by a strong sense of purpose and collective will, [are] environments in which the capacities of all components—men, women, youth and children—are developed and their powers multiplied in unified action.

The Universal House of Justice, 26 December 1995, To the Conference of the Continental Boards of Counsellors

The National Spiritual Assembly writes to update you further on the progress of the upcoming wave of conferences that will launch the Nine Year Plan.  The institutions of the Faith – buoyed by a band of dedicated friends around the United Kingdom – are working tirelessly to organise these conferences and to welcome you and others with open arms and joyous hearts.  These are momentous occasions, constituting a pivotal moment in the process of the unfoldment of the Divine Plan and acting as a springboard to further motivate thousands of souls to dedicate their energies towards putting the vision of Bahá’u’lláh into action.

Booking is now open for most of the conferences and we are pleased to share with you once again a link to the website where attendees can register: along with a short, promotional video clip.

Friends are lovingly called to attend the conference held in their respective regions for the full duration, where possible.  Even if you are unable to attend, can you encourage others to attend – local Bahá’ís, friends and neighbours, as well as those who may know little or nothing about the Faith?  Browsing through this website will help all to understand and better describe the nature and purpose of the conferences.

The National Assembly wants everyone to feel a part of these events and to draw upon the spiritual energies released through them.  For example, even those who feel unable to attend could send food or refreshments, or an artistic offering, or provide art materials, etc. After the conferences, it is hoped that gatherings can take place locally to explore the materials used at the conference and share different elements of them.

With loving Bahá’í greetings,

Patrick O’Mara,

Global conferences: Fostering a culture of peace, contributing to social betterment
Global Conferences: Striving for the greater good of humanity

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