Category Archives: Finance Office

Deputisation Fund

National Spiritual Assembly

5 May 2017
9 Jamál 174 B.E.

To all believers in the United Kingdom

Dear Bahá’í Friends,

We are pleased to share the enclosed statement regarding the General Deputisation Fund, including a description of its purpose and the ways in which the friends can contribute to this Fund. The text of the statement is also provided below.

With loving Bahá’í greetings,

Darren Smith,

Deputisation Fund

For those who have a longing to pioneer or travel teach or to support others to teach the Faith, there is the possibility of contributing to the General Deputisation Fund. The Universal House of Justice in the following letter dated 8 September 1968 write in relation to deputisation:

Let them remember Bahá’u’lláh’s injunction: “Centre your energies in the propagation of the Faith of God. Whoso is worthy of so high a calling, let him arise and promote it. Whoso is unable, it is his duty to appoint him who will, in his stead, proclaim this Revelation …” Let the Bahá’ís of the world join in the true spirit of universal participation and win all the victories while there is yet time. Let each assume his full measure of responsibility that all may share the laurels of accomplishment at the end of the Plan.

The purpose of the General Deputisation Fund, which currently has a balance of £46,148, is to support home-front and overseas pioneers and teachers of the Faith in their effort to contribute towards the goal of the current Plan of the Universal House of Justice.

For those considering pioneering, travelling teaching and teaching the Faith, and find that the need for financial support is a barrier to serving, it is the National Assembly’s hope that they feel comfortable to turn to relevant Bahá’í institutions to consult about their personal circumstances, including their financial needs. Financial support can always be considered and, as necessary, offered with joy by the National Assembly.

For all your contributions to this fund, please transfer funds to the account of the National Spiritual Assembly. Kindly note the instructions that follow:

Bank Name: Nat West
Sort Code: 60 04 04
Account No: 18188443
Account Name: NSA – Fund account.

For transfers from overseas:
IBAN NO: GB90 NWBK 6004 0418 188443

Please use your surname as a reference in order for us to identify the payment. You should also send an email to with details of the amount, the fund(s) being contributed to, the date transferred and the name of the contributor(s). If unable to email please telephone confirmation (02030515733). We will endeavour to email an acknowledgement of online donations in approximately three working days.

You can send your payment by post to: National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of the United Kingdom, Office of the Treasurer, 27 Rutland Gate, London SW7 1PD. Cheque for all funds should be made payable to “NSA Bahai’s UK”. Please inform us what the payment is for.

You can use the on-line facility at Please remember to send your confirmation email to the Registrar if paying school/conference fees. (The following charges are paid by the National Spiritual Assembly for donations made through this website: MasterCard and Visa – 1.90%, Debit cards – 35 pence)

If you should wish to make a regular payment, you could complete a standing order form and we will arrange with your bank for the regular amount to be taken from your account in accordance with your request. You can download this through the web page or email or write to the above address requesting a copy of the form.

Finally, if you are a taxpayer, the National Spiritual Assembly can obtain a tax refund on your payment if you complete and return a Gift Aid form to our Offices. You can download this through the web page or email or write to the above address requesting a copy of the form.

For your information, receipts are issued by the Office of the Treasurer on an annual basis usually in the month of April, unless you specifically request otherwise.

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