Category Archives: Finance Office

International Collaboration Fund

National Spiritual Assembly

10 August 2016
11 Kamál 173 B.E.

To all believers in the United Kingdom

Dearly loved Friends,

At the beginning of each of the recent Plans the Universal House of Justice has chosen a number of National Spiritual Assemblies to consider how much they can contribute towards the ‘international financial collaboration goals programme’. In this programme, national communities that are deemed able to offer financial assistance are called upon to provide support to their sister communities. This involves contributing, at the direction of the House of Justice, to specific needs in other countries, such as the acquisition or renovation of Bahá’í properties, or the purchase of equipment necessary for teaching and administrative work.

As beautifully expressed by the Supreme Body in a recent letter dated 10 July 2016, the collaboration goals provide “an opportunity for these communities to give a practical expression to their sense of global solidarity”, and demonstrate “the ties of unity that bind together the Bahá’í world in one common cause”. The House of Justice further observed that “the Master describes the need for voluntary sharing, affirming that it ‘leadeth to society’s comfort and peace’ and that ‘it lighteth up the world; it bestoweth honour upon humankind.’”

Our National Assembly has, for some years now, had the great privilege and honour of being able to contribute towards the collaboration goals programme. In the last Plan, this meant the community had the joy of contributing to a Teacher Training Centre in Nepal, a Bahá’í Centre in Kazakhstan, a National Ḥaẓíratu’l-Quds in Nigeria, a Bahá’í training institute building in Sri Lanka, a National Ḥaẓíratu’l-Quds in the Philippines and two vehicles for the National Assembly of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

The House of Justice anticipates that at least US$3,500,000 will be required to meet the financial collaboration goals assigned during the current Five Year Plan. In light of this, we are pleased to share that the National Assembly has pledged US$350,000 (approximately £270,000) towards the overall goal from the friends in the United Kingdom. This amounts to US$70,000 (approximately £54,000) per annum for each year of the Plan.

What is more, we are delighted to announce that the National Assembly has already been called upon in this Plan to contribute US$35,000 (approximately £27,000), to assist with the completion of the construction of the National Ḥaẓíratu’l-Quds in the Bahamas.

Should any of the friends wish to contribute specifically towards the international financial collaboration goals, thereby helping the National Assembly to meet its pledge, this can be done in the following ways:

By post to:
National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of the United Kingdom, Finance Office
27 Rutland Gate
London SW7 1PD

Or by bank transfer:
Bank Name: NatWest
Sort Code: 60-04-04
Account No: 18188443
Account Name: NSA – Fund account.

If using the bank transfer method, please also send an email to providing

  • your name,
  • details of the amount, and
  • the date of the transfer, and
  • indicate that your contribution is for “The International Collaboration programme”.

We are most grateful for this opportunity to be able to offer loving assistance to our sister National Assemblies and specifically the dear friends of the Bahamas.

With loving Bahá’í greetings,

Patrick O’Mara,

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