Category Archives: From the Table

From the Table of the National Spiritual Assembly

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  • Message of the Universal House of Justice on the establishment of peace
  • Continental Fund
  • Strengthening the National Fund
  • Visit of Dr. Firaydoun Javaheri
  • Other topics

Dearly loved Friends,

The National Spiritual Assembly is pleased once again to share with you some of the subjects about which it consulted during at its most recent meeting:

Message of the Universal House of Justice on the establishment of peace
During the Friday afternoon of its meeting, the National Assembly was thrilled to receive the message of the Universal House of Justice to the Bahá’ís of the World, dated 18 January 2019, concerning the establishment of peace.  The Assembly considered the potency of the message, especially its elucidation on the fact that our efforts in expansion and consolidation, social action, and participation in the discourses of society, are all processes that will contribute to world peace.  Plans were made for the dissemination of the message, including the production of an audio version, and the recommendation to Regional Bahá’í Councils that it be considered as one of the themes for summer schools.

Continental Fund
The National Assembly consulted upon the increasing needs of the Continental Fund in light of the demands of growth on the work and time of the Auxiliary Board members, and the growing collaboration among countries and clusters in Europe.  The National Assembly was moved to make a donation of £50,000 to the Continental Fund from the Growth Fund, in addition to the usual contribution it makes each year as a percentage of contributions it receives for the National Fund.

The Continental Funds were established by Shoghi Effendi in 1954, to support the activities of the Counsellors and their auxiliaries, their travels and their administrative expenses.  The Friends are naturally free to also make personal donations to the Continental Fund, including for the deputization of a teacher serving a training institute.

Strengthening the National Fund
The National Assembly was joined by the three staff members of the Office of the Treasurer, the treasurers of the four Regional Bahá’í Councils, and the three existing training institute boards to reflect on guidance about strengthening the National Fund.  This theme is of particular importance at this time, as the needs of the National Fund have increased significantly in recent years to a level that is becoming unsustainable given the present level of contributions and pattern of expenditure.  From the study together, it was understood that a new culture needs to emerge at the grassroots of the community as to how the work of the Plan is supported by individuals, communities and institutions.  Subjects covered included the education of the believers concerning the sacred obligation of contributing, promoting a consciousness of “in-kind” contributions, enabling universal participation, fostering the habit in the community to give, encouraging the flow of funds to the Regional Branches of the National Fund, and providing mechanisms to facilitate the contributions of individuals and families.

Great attention will now be given to the development of Regional Council’s Treasury Offices and their accompaniment of Local Spiritual Assemblies in their efforts to share knowledge of the Funds and deepen understanding among the Friends. 

Visit of Dr. Firaydoun Javaheri
The National Assembly had the opportunity to reflect upon the recent visit of Dr. Firaydoun Javaheri – a former member of the Universal House of Justice – who, along with his dear wife Vida, was able to meet with the friends in various parts of England and Scotland, and made deeply appreciated contributions to the conference of the Bahá’í Society for Persian Arts and Letters.  Reports from Glasgow, Edinburgh, Manchester and London and beyond, from a cross section of the community, indicated how much the friends appreciated, and learnt so much from, this visit. 

The National Assembly wishes to express its deepest gratitude to Dr. and Mrs. Javaheri for accepting the invitation to come to the United Kingdom, and to the numerous friends who contributed their time and energy to arranging and attending the meetings, making this visit a tremendous success.

Other topics
Here are a few of the other topics that you may be interested to know the National Assembly has given time to:     

  • The process of registering refugees and asylum seekers who wish to become Bahá’ís in the United Kingdom;
  • The development of a new code of conduct for residential events;
  • The completion of the boundaries review in England ahead of this Ridván’s Local Spiritual Assembly elections;
  • Reflection upon the spirit of volunteering in the community and the means to enhance it;
  • The development of a long-term plan for properties.

The National Assembly continues to pray at each of its monthly meetings for the entire Bahá’í community, and by name for those who are facing particular tests or challenges.  Please also pray for the National Assembly that its efforts may be blessed by the confirmations of Bahá’u’lláh.

With our warmest love,

Patrick O’Mara,

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