Category Archives: From the Table

From the Table of the National Spiritual Assembly

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  • Bahá’í International Development Organisation
  • The Five Year Plan
  • Guidance for parents
  • The spiritual health of the community
  • Bicentenary of the Birth of the Báb
  • Restoration of 17 Royal York Crescent, Bristol
  • Growth in staffing
  • Other topics

Dearly loved Friends,

The National Spiritual Assembly is pleased to share with you some of the subjects that it has been consulting about during its recent meetings.

Bahá’í International Development Organisation
Thrilled to receive the momentous letter of 9 November 2018 from the Universal House of Justice, which announced the establishment of the Bahá’í International Development Organisation, the National Assembly was moved to send an immediate donation of £9,000 to the new Bahá’í Development Fund.

The Five Year Plan
The National Assembly has been reflecting upon the nature of “reservoir clusters” – clusters which are at the forefront of learning about community building and reaching out to the wider population.  Every believer will have such a cluster – or one aspiring to be one – near to them.  Being at the forefront of learning there is often an opportunity for friends in neighbouring clusters to spend time there advancing some aspect of their own learning.

The Assembly has been heartened to note a very significant increase this year in the number of enquiries coming to the National Office, either through the national website or phone calls.

Guidance for parents
While many youth are eager to offer periods of service, the National Assembly has realised that it could be beneficial for parents to reflect upon what constitutes a ‘coherent life’ for their children, and be further assisted to support their desire to serve.  To this end, the Assembly commissioned a compilation of relevant passages and references for parents.  It can be accessed here.  The National Spiritual Assembly has encouraged the Regional Bahá’í Councils to create spaces – at summer schools and other possible gatherings – where parents can reflect on this guidance together, learn from it and share experiences.

The Spiritual Health of the Community
In October, the National Assembly spent a whole weekend reflecting with Counsellor Shirin Fozdar-Foroudi, about the spiritual health of the community.  Unity is key to the evolving maturity of the institutions of the Faith, to whom the friends should be able turn in times of challenges.  Methods and approaches, qualities and attitudes, spiritual principles and guidance were explored, that can assist institutions at all levels to be of vital support to the believers in creating a truly, spiritually healthy community.  One key contributor is the extent to which the community draws closer to, and enacts the guidance of, the Universal House of Justice.  To this end the National Assembly has been exploring ways of assisting the friends to take appropriate time to study such letters.  A framework for handling challenges that arise relating to the spiritual health of the community for use by the Assembly was drawn up as a result of the consultation.  It is now embedded in the agenda of every National Assembly meeting and is being referred to constantly.

Bicentenary of the Birth of the Báb
The National Assembly has been consulting about the guidance received from the Universal House of Justice about this ‘period of special potency’ that we are passing through.  It is clear that the most meaningful way to offer gifts to the Báb and Bahá’u’lláh is to strive with heart and soul to win the goals of the Five Year Plan.  Stories will be shared from around the United Kingdom to assist the friends in understanding that their ongoing services each day are honouring the Báb and Bahá’u’lláh.

Restoration of 17 Royal York Crescent
The National Assembly was delighted to be able to spend an hour visiting the apartment in Bristol where the Master stayed during His two visits to the city in 1911 and 1913 (pictures above).  Work has advanced at stripping back the modern aspects of the apartment to reveal many historic features including original floorboards and moulded cornices.  The National Assembly will be consulting on the next stage of the project, deciding upon the approach to restoration and decoration, so that this apartment can become a beautiful place of prayer and reflection for visitors.

Growth in staffing
With more than 30 people now in the employ of the National Assembly in various capacities around the United Kingdom – from junior youth coordinators in neighbourhoods to staff at the National Office – the National Assembly has recognised the need for a Human Resources Officer, a post which has been advertised to the friends.

Other topics
Here are a few of the other topics that you may be interested to know the National Assembly has given time to:     

  • The initial steps being taken by the National Assembly’s new Learning Desk;
  • The future evolution of Bahá’í Books UK and Web Channel 9;
  • Development of educational materials to promote giving to the Funds of the Faith;
  • The intellectual life of the community, and the establishment of special interest groups related to discourses in various professional fields;
  • The work of the Office of Public Affairs;
  • Creating a basic pack of literature for use in teaching campaigns and neighbourhoods;
  • The revitalization of local community websites and the Bahá’í presence on social media;
  • Approving changes to community boundaries in England to be introduced for Ridván 2019;
  • Meeting with Dr. Firaydoun Javaheri, ahead of his tour of communities in the United Kingdom, and his contributions to the Bahá’í Society for Persian Arts and Letters conference;
  • Approval of the membership of the Regional Bahá’í Councils;
  • Vital staffing needs at the Bahá’í World Centre.

The National Assembly prays fervently at each of its monthly meetings at the National Haziratu’l-Quds for the entire Bahá’í community, and by name for those who are facing particular tests or challenges.  Please also pray for the National Assembly that its efforts may be blessed by the confirmations of Bahá’u’lláh.

With our warmest love,

Patrick O’Mara,

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