Category Archives: From the Table

From the Table of the National Spiritual Assembly

4 March 2018
3 ‘Alá’ 174 BE


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  • The spiritual health of the community
  • Reflections on the national institutional meeting
  • National Ḥazíratu’l-Quds
  • British Museum exhibition
  • Other topics

Dearly loved Friends,

As these sacred days of the Fasting period get under way, the National Spiritual Assembly sends to you its warmest love. Here is a taste of some of the subjects about which the Assembly has been consulting during the past two months.

The spiritual health of the community
Bahá’u’lláh likened the members of humanity to the cells of one body. The three protagonists in society – the individual, the community and the institutions – must each develop healthy relationships with each other for the body to function properly.

Among many aspects of this important subject, the Assembly has been considering with Counsellor Shirin Fozdar-Foroudi how the capacity of Local Spiritual Assemblies can be raised so that they may take greater responsibility for the spiritual well-being of the friends under their care. Two deepening programmes – on expansion and consolidation, and on spiritual health – have been well received by those Assemblies that have already gone through them.

Reflections on the national institutional meeting
On the weekend of 9-11 February, the National Assembly gathered with Dr. Fozdar-Foroudi, the Auxiliary Board members serving the United Kingdom, the four Regional Bahá’í Councils, training institute boards and other invited believers at a national institutional meeting in Milton Keynes. Counsellor Mehdi Rezvan from Estonia was also present, alerting the friends to their responsibilities towards winning essential goals in the Balkan region before 2021. At the meeting, all were acutely aware of the herculean effort required to win the current Five Year Plan, and consulted about how to work shoulder-to-shoulder with each and every one of the friends to achieve the goals.

The National Assembly has since had the opportunity to reflect upon the nature and purpose of such institutional meetings, which serve to enhance vision and sharpen understanding.

National Ḥazíratu’l-Quds
The National Assembly has also been consulting about the function of, and accommodation available at, the National Ḥazíratu’l-Quds. The growth of the Faith and the diversity of its activities are placing new demands on 27 Rutland Gate and new ways are being considered to meet the needs of the hour, while retaining the Centre’s unique character as the warm heart and home for the UK Bahá’í community and visitors from elsewhere.

British Museum exhibition
The bicentenary display of Bahá’í archives at the British Museum closed on 4 February after three months. Although it is not possible to know the exact visitor numbers, it was noted that many members of the general public spent time viewing the items with interest. More than 10,000 people visited the related article on the British Museum’s website.

Large numbers of believers – including groups from Belgium and Ireland – took the opportunity to travel together to see the display. The National Assembly reflected that many friends appear to have felt immense pride that the Museum had agreed to mark the bicentenary in this manner, and that community of interest members were drawn closer to the Faith by the experience.

Other topics
Here are some of the other topics that you may be interested to know the National Assembly has given time to:

  • Studying a letter of the Universal House of Justice regarding religious prejudice. The letter has been shared via NEWS and on UK Bahá’í Resources, here.
  • Consulting about how the financial needs of the Cause can be met by universal participation in giving.
  • Arranging the programme for National Convention.
  • Considering the working arrangements of Bahá’í Books UK.
  • Reviewing the subsidy that enables more friends to participate in events.
  • Reflecting upon the annual conference of the Bahá’í Society for Persian Arts and Letters.
  • Consulting upon Unit Convention recommendations concerning teaching of indigenous British people.
  • Ensuring compliance with the introduction of the new European General Data Protection Regulations.
  • The National Assembly continues to pray at every meeting for the entire community, and by name for those who are facing particular challenges at this time. Your prayers are also appreciated that the Assembly’s efforts may be confirmed by the Blessed Beauty.

With our warmest love,

Patrick O’Mara,

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