Category Archives: Guidance & safeguarding

Safeguarding children

Office for Safeguarding Children

The Office of Safeguarding Children has been established by the National Spiritual Assembly to ensure that those who work with children in the context of Baha’i children’s classes, junior youth groups, residential schools, national conferences and conventions, and elsewhere are subject to the latest legal requirements and the children in their care are afforded the safeguards that are their legal and moral right.

Contact details

Paula Withers
Office for Safeguarding Children
National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is of the UK
27 Rutland Gate
London SW7 1PD

Tel: 020-7584 2566
Email: or

Documents relating to safeguarding children

Some of the following guidance materials can be downloaded here (click on the links); all the materials are available on request from the Office for Safeguarding Children. Please email the Office for Safeguarding Children specifying which document(s) you require.

Applying for membership of statutory and voluntary bodies

Communities applying to become members of a statutory or voluntary body (for example the Children & Families Voluntary Sector Forum) may be asked to submit a copy of the National Spiritual Assembly’s policy concerning the safeguarding of children. The Office for Safeguarding Children is happy for communities to comply with such a request. The National Spiritual Assembly Office for Safeguarding Children policy can be obtained by contacting or The Policy can also be downloaded by clicking the links above.

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