Category Archives: RE Task Force

Inviting teachers to feed back on the new Bahá’í Religious Education website

20 December 2016
10 Masá’il 173 B.E.

Please see below a message from the Religious Education (RE) Task Force of the Office of Public Affairs for your kind attention.

Calling all teachers!

If you are a teacher – past, present or future – we would value your support in helping to assess the new Bahá’í RE website.

The site has been developed with the aim of providing good quality materials for teachers at primary and secondary level, introducing pupils to the Bahá’í Faith and its teachings. We hope that the website will also encourage schools to invite local Bahá’ís to present assemblies and help in classroom activities. Also, it is hoped that Bahá’ís will find inspiration on the new website for their work with schools – including presentations, worksheets and lesson plans.

If you can spare an hour or two over the coming weeks to take a look at the website and feed back to the RE Task Force, please contact us on the e-mail below. We will send you details of how to access the site, as well as a feedback form. Please contact us by 28 December, and be prepared to provide your feedback by 6 January 2017.

Please also encourage any teachers you may know who would like to help with this, whether Bahá’í or not.

Jenny Lockwood, on behalf of the RE Task Force of the Office of Public Affairs

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