Category Archives: RE Task Force

Bahá’í RE resources

Bahá’í RE website

A website dedicated to providing good quality materials on the Bahá’í Faith for use in schools in the UK can be found by following this link.

The materials, which include classroom resources as well as ideas for assemblies and collective worship, will be of interest to teachers of Religious Education in both primary and secondary schools.

These materials may also be useful to Bahá’í members of SACREs as input to the development of an RE syllabus for their local authority area.

The website is managed by the Religious Education Task Force on behalf of the Office of Public Affairs of the National Spiritual Assembly.

Bahá’í visitors in schools

Schools often welcome visitors from faiths with a presence in their community. The Bahá’í RE website provides ideas and resources for Bahá’ís who are invited to go into a local school to present an assembly or assist in the classroom.

If you are interested in volunteering to visit a school in your area, please read these guidelines (PDF) and get in touch with the RE Task Force:

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