Category Archives: National Spiritual Assembly

National Fund Update

15 February 2022
11 Mulk 178 B.E.

– National Fund Update
– ʻAbdu’l-Bahá Archives Display in Cardiff
– The Heart of Resilience: The Climate Crisis as a Catalyst for a Culture of Equality

– Chile House of Worship: How to foster prosperous cities

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All believers in the United Kingdom

Dearly loved Friends,

ver the past few years, the National Assembly has shared a variety of ways by which the friends can make contributions to the National Fund, described by the Guardian as “the bedrock on which all other institutions must necessarily rest and be established.”  He further stated that it “must be firmly established, generously supported and universally and continuously upheld, for it is the prerequisite of future progress and achievement.”  As the activities of the Faith multiply and the community grows, the National Fund acquires added importance. 

Many friends make regular contributions to the Fund and also leave legacies to the Faith. Legacies over £10,000 – unless earmarked – are immediately allocated by the National Spiritual Assembly to the Growth Fund, which supports the teaching work across the United Kingdom.  Those that passed into the next world left a total of £2.13 million to the Fund in the year 2020, and last year £520,000.  For those friends who have the opportunity and capacity to leave legacies to the Faith, there is guidance from the National Spiritual Assembly with respect to making a Will, most recently shared with the community on 31 December 2021 [GC-36134] and also available on the UK Bahá’í Resources website.

Some friends may not be able to contribute regularly to the Fund, but find other ways of contributing – through their service, or “contributions in-kind”, as well as offering items for sale.

Jewellery and artwork that have been donated have been sold at auction in the past.  If you wish to make such donations, you are kindly asked to send a photograph of the items by email before sending the items to the National Office.  This allows the Office to ascertain which items might be best sold at auction.  Alternatively the friends can sell items to a local jeweller, art dealer or auction house and forward the proceeds to the Fund if they so wish.

The first is a 2×3 metre Persian carpet, woven from Tabriz fine wool into a geometric design.  The current market price of this well-maintained carpet is expected to be around £1,500.  The second is a beautiful stained glass window panel, incorporating the Ring Stone symbol, which a late believer had installed in the front door of their property.  The dimensions of the window are 65cm x 1.02m. 

The National Assembly would like to inform the friends of a few items that have recently been donated (pictured below).  These would usually be displayed and sold at National Convention or other large gatherings but, as these events have not been possible, they are shared here for the friends to consider, should they wish to acquire them and make a donation to the Fund.

Interested friends should contact or for more information and to arrange an appointment to view these items at the National Ḥazíratu’l-Quds if needed.

With loving Bahá’í greetings,

Darren Smith,

ʻAbdu’l-Bahá Archives Display in Cardiff

On Saturday 26th March, the Spiritual Assembly of the Baháʼís of Cardiff will have the great honour of hosting a display of selected archives associated with the life of ʻAbdu’l-Bahá. In addition to viewing precious items from the National Baháʼí Archives, there will be a talk about the significance of the Master’s life for humanity and the relevance of His teachings for today. The display will be held at the Quaker Meeting House at 43 Charles St, Cardiff CF10 2GB.  Visitors are requested to pre-book their time slots using this link.

The Heart of Resilience: The Climate Crisis as a Catalyst for a Culture of Equality >

A new statement from the Bahá’í International Community, addressed to the 66th session of the Commission on the Status of Women.

Chile House of Worship: How to foster prosperous cities >

How can spiritual principles such as justice and oneness guide the development of cities? 

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