Tag Archives: National Fund

National Fund Update

26 April 2022
18 Jalál 179 B.E.

– National Fund Update
– Membership of the Bahá’í Council for England
– Global Conferences: The arts promote peace, inspire service to society

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To all believers in the United Kingdom

Dearly loved Friends,

During the National Convention the delegates had the opportunity to consult about the budget for the National Fund for the opening year of the Nine Year Plan – the first in a 25-year cycle of Plans, “generational in its scope and significance” that will

..carry the ark of the Cause into the third century of the Bahá’í Era” , during which the “Bahá’í world will be focused on a single aim: the release of the society-building power of the Faith in ever-greater measures.

Universal House of Justice to the Conference of the Continental Board of Counsellors, 30 December 2021

What is anticipated for the first year of the Plan in the United Kingdom is bold. Consequently, the budget is also bold. And this, naturally, comes with its own tests. The Universal House of Justice has highlighted that

the present-day capacity of the Bahá’í community, combined with the discipline it has achieved through adherence to a coherent framework for action, has prepared it for an extensive, rigorous test of all its resources, spiritual as well as material.

Universal House of Justice to the Conference of the Continental Board of Counsellors, 30 December 2021

The financial impact of advancing the teaching work with ever greater intensity has increased over the past few years. In March it was shared that there was a deficit of £522,000 in the year to 31 December 2021 which was drawn from reserves held by the National Assembly.

The Growth Fund, which is the main reserve for supporting any shortfall in the funds for the teaching work, is primarily supported by legacies from believers who have passed to the Abhá Kingdom. This Fund has been invaluable in meeting the costs of the work of the Faith over the years and has also generated a healthy income each year (£200,000 in 2021). It supports youth gatherings, neighbourhood projects, family camps, those serving full-time or part-time to support the training institute, and venues for activities. All these are essential for building vibrant communities.

This year, there are additional costs such as the current wave of conferences – which the National Assembly is encouraging as many souls as possible to attend – as well as intensive training and teaching projects being planned for the coming summer for junior youth, youth and adults alike. These will provide an opportunity for many more souls to become engaged in the society-building activities of the Faith.

The National Assembly anticipates a significant shortfall between income and expenditure of around £1.8m in the National Fund this year. Since the original budget was made, however, legacies have been confirmed in the last few days which should reduce this to £1.24m. Although the shortfall can be taken from the Growth Fund, it will halve this fund, and reduce the investment income it generates for future years. This ongoing deficit is unsustainable and requires an immediate and long-term response from the community.

The National Assembly anticipates a significant shortfall between income and expenditure of around £1.8m in the National Fund this year. Since the original budget was made, however, legacies have been confirmed in the last few days which should reduce this to £1.24m. Although the shortfall can be taken from the Growth Fund, it will halve this fund, and reduce the investment income it generates for future years. This ongoing deficit is unsustainable and requires an immediate and long-term response from the community.

The National Spiritual Assembly is calling upon every believer, to pray, reflect and to consider afresh how to play their part in fulfilling the needs of the National Fund, so that the work of the Cause may advance without hindrance. Meeting the current needs will, without doubt, require further sacrifice on the part of every believer, and it is the longing of the National Assembly to see greater numbers of believers participating in the joy and privilege of contributing to the National Fund. Sacrificial universal participation is the goal. Thus, your response to this call may be to start making a regular contribution to the National or Regional Fund, or to increase your current contribution, and for everyone to consider making a special single contribution.

The National Spiritual Assembly will also be asking Local Spiritual Assemblies to consider how to encourage universal participation within their communities so that every believer is aware of “the privilege of contributing to the advancement of the Cause of God, irrespective of his material circumstances” [Universal House of Justice, 17 September 1992, To all members of the Continental Boards of Counsellors]. In addition, it may also be that Local Assemblies are holding reserves of their own, which they feel able to contribute to the National Fund so that collectively, the whole community, with sacrifice and universal participation, is supporting the advancement of the Cause at this critical time.

It is the sacred obligation of every conscientious and faithful servant of Bahá’u’lláh who desires to see His Cause advance, to contribute freely and generously for the increase of that Fund.

Shoghi Effendi, 12 March 1923, To the Bahá’ís of America, Great Britain and other countries

With loving Bahá’í greetings,

Darren Smith,

Membership of the Bahá’í Council for England

With the election of Mr. Marco Milone to the National Spiritual Assembly, a vacancy has arisen on the Regional Bahá’í Council for England. 

We are pleased to inform you that, in accordance with the guidance, and based on the election results on the Day of the Covenant last year, Dr. Darius Lee will now take up service on the Council. 

In the coming days the Council will be electing a new Chair and an announcement of this will be made at that time.

Global Conferences: The arts promote peace, inspire service to society

As the wave of conferences sweeping across the globe continues, artistic expressions emerging from these gatherings are conveying an essential longing of the human soul: the need to seek harmony and to selflessly serve society.

Through these artistic works—be they music, theatre, visual art, traditional dance, crafts, or other art forms—participants at the grassroots in virtually every part of the world are exploring profound spiritual concepts, such as justice, peace, and unity.  Read more here >

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