Category Archives: Service opportunities

UK Bahá’í News Update

6 July 2021
14 Raḥmat 178 B.E.

– Shrine of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá: Pillars of main edifice completed
– Service opportunity: Software engineers

– New Canadian parliamentary caucus looks at religion’s role in society

Shrine of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá: Pillars of main edifice completed

Many of the distinctive architectural features of the design of the Shrine of ‘Abdu’l‑Bahá are becoming visible as work progresses.  The eight pillars of the central edifice have now been completed.  The folding walls on the west side of the central plaza are also complete and are being joined with one of the portal walls of the south plaza.  At the same time, preparations are beginning for the work of building an intricate trellis across the central plaza. 

To watch a video, read the story online, or view more photos, click here >

Service opportunity: Software engineers
The IT department at the National Office is seeking two volunteer software engineers to assist with maintenance and development of two key applications.  The first requires experience in php coding to assist in the development of a new application based on Civicrm.  The second requires experience in c# and .net coding to help support an existing, custom, fully developed application. 

Please contact the IT department for further information via or telephone 020 7584 2566.

New Canadian parliamentary caucus looks at religion’s role in society 

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