Category Archives: Service opportunities

Current Service Opportunities

28 July 2021
18 Kalimát 178 B.E.

At this time in the history of the Cause there are many special opportunities to serve the Faith on a voluntary or full-time basis.  Of course everyone is serving in their own special way, but from time to time the institutions of the Faith have particular needs for friends to serve in full-time, part-time and volunteer positions.  Our community is small so the contribution of everyone is most precious.

In recent months a number of service positions have been announced by the National Spiritual Assembly and Regional Councils.  Many of them remain vacant and we list some of these below. Such vacancies can be challenging for the institutions in ensuring that the work of the Faith advances at a pace that we would all hope.  

At this moment of need, the National Assembly calls upon every individual to consider prayerfully their circumstances to see if they could offer to serve in one or more of these roles.  It wishes to emphasise that it is the desire to serve Bahá’u’lláh this is important, and if one desires to serve in any of these roles then, no matter how inadequate one feels, we ask you to turn to the National Assembly and offer to serve.  Then, in a spirit of detachment, leave the decision in the hands of the Institutions to decide how best to take forward your loving offer.  Such a selfless offer will be the cause of attracting Divine Confirmations.

…The friends, therefore, must cease looking at their own deficiencies in a way that would kill in them the spirit of initiative and of service.  They should have confidence in the divine assistance promised to them by Bahá’u’lláh, and strengthened and revived by such an assurance they should continue to toil till the very end of their lives.

From a letter written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi. dated 18 March 1934 to an individual believer

Office of the Secretary: Aide

Full- or part-time. Remote working possible. More details >

Bahá’í Council for England: Administrative Aide

Full- or part-time. Remote working possible. More details >

Office of Public Affairs: Media Assistant

Full- or part-time. Remote working possible. More details >

Office of Public Affairs: Discourse Programme Officer

Full- or part-time. Remote working possible. More details >

Custodian at the National Hazíratu’l-Quds

Full- or part-time. London-based. More details >

Groundsman at the Guardian’s Resting Place

Full-time. London-based. More details >

COVID-19 Advisory Team: Administrative Aide

Voluntary position. More details >

Zoom call to explore opportunities

In order to explore the nature of service within these roles further, an online space is being created for anyone who may be interested to come to discuss the nature of service within these various offices, to ask any questions about these opportunities, and to explore any obstacles that may prevent one from applying.   The Secretaries of the National Spiritual Assembly and Regional Council for England, as well as the Coordinator of the Office of Public Affairs will be available on a Zoom call on Thursday 5 August, 7:00pm-8:00pm using the following link:
Meeting ID: 817 4241 0426
Passcode: 087768

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