Category Archives: Service opportunities

Memberships of the Regional Bahá’í Councils for England and Northern Ireland

10 September 2021
5 ‘Izzat 178 B.E.


  • Memberships of the Regional Bahá’í Councils for England and Northern Ireland
  • Shrine of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá: Plaza walls completed, trellis construction begins
  • Discourse Programme Officer in the Office of Public Affairs

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To all believers in the United Kingdom

Dearly loved Friends,

The National Spiritual Assembly wishes to inform you of recent changes made to the memberships of the Regional Bahá’í Councils for England and Northern Ireland. 

Ms. Shirin Beheshti – who has been serving as the Secretary of the Bahá’í Council for England – is stepping down from the Council in order to begin service at the Bahá’í World Centre in the coming weeks.  The National Assembly thanks Ms. Beheshti for all of the services she has rendered during her period of service on the Council.  While her contribution to its work will be greatly missed, we are confident that her continued services to the Faith at the World Centre will be bountifully confirmed and guided.  To fill the vacancy left by Ms. Beheshti, Mrs. Shirin Taherzadeh will be taking up service on the Council.  At its meeting held today, the Council elected Ms. Sara Talai as its Secretary.

The Bahá’í Council for Northern Ireland has also undergone a change in membership.  Mr. Jamie Anderson has had to step down from the Council for personal reasons, while Mr. Ara Devine and Mrs. Isabella Djalili-Devine are leaving Northern Ireland.  The National Assembly thanks these dear friends for all of their services to the Cause in Northern Ireland, and it has no doubt that they will soon find many new areas of service, given their valuable experience.  As a consequence of their departure, the National Assembly has appointed Dr. Orang Agahi-Esfahani, Ms. Carmel Irandoust, and Mrs. Kirsten O’Brien to fill the vacancies on the Council for Northern Ireland.  As Mr. Devine served as Secretary, Mrs. Djalili-Devine as Chair and Mr. Anderson as Vice-Chair, the Council will be holding an election to fill these vacancies and the outcome of these will be announced in due course.

Please continue to keep the Regional Bahá’í Councils and their members in your prayers, that they may be guided and strengthened in all of their vital endeavours to advance the Plans of the Universal House of Justice.

With loving Bahá’í greetings,

Patrick O’Mara,

Shrine of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá: Plaza walls completed,
trellis construction begins >

Discourse Programme Officer in the Office of Public Affairs

As part of a growing team of staff and volunteers working in the Office of Public Affairs (OPA), the National Spiritual Assembly is seeking a Discourse Programme Officer who would assist the OPA coordinating team to develop and implement strategies for building relationships with like-minded organisations and individuals, who operate at the national level, and share a common concern for the wellbeing of humanity.  These include civil society actors, media practitioners, government parliamentarians, academics, and other Faith communities.

For more information and how to apply, click here >

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