Category Archives: Service opportunities

UK Bahá’í News Update

22 September 2021
16 ‘Izzat 178 B.E.


  • Service opportunity: The Afnan Library
  • NewElevatecollections for the centenary of the Passing of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá
  • Newly launched “Discourse TV” in Azerbaijan explores pressing social issues
  • Malaysia: Promoting unity in a land of great diversity

Service opportunity: The Afnan Library

The Afnan Library was established in 1985 in fulfilment of the wish of the late Hand of the Cause of God Mr Hasan Balyuzi, whose books and papers form the heart of this Bahá’í research centre. With the encouragement of the Universal House of Justice and the support of the National Spiritual Assembly, which is one of the Library’s Trustees, the collection has expanded significantly and the Library is now housed in a beautiful building (pictured above).

For some years the Library has been putting some of its collection online, so that a wider range of people may benefit from the wealth of material that the Library houses. The stage has now been reached where the Trustees require additional support to expand and secure the online library. The immediate need is to update the WordPress and PHP software on which the on-line library runs. In the longer term, the Library may require some assistance to convert the files and upload them onto the website.

Friends from anywhere in the country with the relevant expertise and time who wish to offer this voluntary service to the Afnan Library, please contact the secretary of the Trustees, Dr Moojan Momen at

New Elevate collections for the centenary
of the Passing of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá

To assist the friends in their preparations for the forthcoming 100th anniversary of the Passing of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Elevate is publishing a set of special collections in His honour, as people around the world reflect on His exemplary life, the mysterious power of His magnetic personality, and the sublime qualities which He so perfectly embodied.  New collections are now available on the themes of Connection, Education, Forgiveness, Vision, Freedom and Servitude, here >

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