Category Archives: Training Institute

UK Bahá’í News Update

25 May 2020
11‘Aẓamat 177 B.E.

– New edition of Ruhi Book 1 released
– Elevate: new content published
– Plaques at New Southgate Cemetery
– BWNS: Canadian podcast series explores essential principles in wake of pandemic
– BIC: Navigating a global health crisis – Responses of Bahá’í communities around the world

New edition of Ruhi Book 1 released

A new edition of Ruhi Book 1, Reflections on the Life of the Spirit, is now available.  

This edition (4.1.2.PE) draws on comments received in recent years from institutes around the world and from friends in the field, as well as from growing experience in its use, leading to changes that are very helpful.  Copies can be ordered here at the Bahá’í Books UK website. It is hoped that they will be available to be mailed out from 1 June.  This new edition of Book 1 can also be downloaded and printed from here, where you will find the following guidelines:  

You are welcome to download here, in any of the languages noted, the latest edition of the first book in our main sequence of courses, Reflections on the Life of the Spirit. The book is being made available for anyone who wishes to participate in a global conversation taking place in Bahá’í communities everywhere about the betterment of the world.

All are invited to study the book and discuss its content with a few friends. You are welcome to contact a Bahá’í community near you, using this list, if you would like to study it in a more formal online group or continue with other books in our main sequence of courses …

We simply ask that neither the book nor any portion thereof be uploaded to other sites on the internet or to cloud-storage platforms or that it be used for commercial purposes or in ways which run counter to the spirit of the material itself or which misrepresent its intent.

The following is how to order hard copies of institute courses.

1.    For materials in English and selected foreign language materials (Persian, Arabic, Spanish and French) you can order from Bahá’í Books UK (BBUK) through its website;

2.    For foreign language materials (Hindi, Japanese, Kurdish (Badini), Kurdish (Sorani), Mandarin (simplified), Nepali, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Turkish and Urdu), as well as institute materials in foreign languages you cannot find anywhere else, including branch courses, email  West Oxon Bookshop also has stocks of some institute courses and prayer books in other languages, please contact;

3.    If needed, short-term access to online materials can be given, until hard copy materials arrive. Please contact your training institute board: England: ; Scotland: ; Northern Ireland: ; Wales:

Anyone seeking to participate in a study circle, or to tutor, is encouraged to contact their cluster coordinator, member of their Area Teaching Committee, or Auxiliary Board member. If you are unaware of your local institutions, then please contact your Regional training institute board.

Plaques at New Southgate Cemetery
 The National Spiritual Assembly is pleased to share the news that two plaques have now been erected at the New Southgate Cemetery to mark the two trees that were planted close to the Guardian’s Resting Place in October 2017 to commemorate the bicentenaries of the Births of the Báb and Bahá’u’lláh.

Canadian podcast series explores essential principles in wake of pandemic >

Bahá’í  International Community: Navigating a global health crisis – 
Responses of Bahá’í communities around the world

Communities around the world are demonstrating tremendous courage and resilience in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.  Bahá’ís and their collaborators are seeking to contribute to the well-being of their communities by learning how to apply social and spiritual principles to fill unmet needs at all levels.  Read more, here >

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