Category Archives: Training Institute

Institute materials from Bahá’í Books UK

7 September 2015
19 Asmá’ 172 B.E.

Please see below a message from the Bahá’í Books UK (BBUK) for your kind attention.


To all believers in the United Kingdom

Dearly loved friends,

Bahá’í Books UK is delighted to facilitate the processing of orders for Institute materials from tutors and others. Our aim is to dispatch orders within five working days of receipt. Thus with an expected delivery time of two days, normal order processing should take 7 working days from date of receipt of the order by BBUK to the date of delivery.

We would encourage tutors to plan for the delivery of their books within this time frame of 7 working days. Unfortunately, many orders are received with a request to deliver within a couple of days, and it is just not possible for us to do this, even though we do try our best to respond to urgent requests. Forward planning on your part will ease this problem greatly.

Please continue to send your orders to Of course you can also submit your order online at We look forward to receiving them and to facilitating the wonderful services you are rendering as tutors!

With loving Bahá’í greetings,

Bahá’í Books UK (BBUK)

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