Tag Archives: training institute

UK Bahá’í News Update

22 February 2022
18 Mulk 178 B.E.

– Bahá’í Training Centre Programme 2022
– Service opportunity: Reception volunteers
– The Justice Conference – Building Trust in a Fragmented World

Bahá’í Training Centre Programme 2022

The National Spiritual Assembly is pleased to share the annual training programme for the Bahá’í Training Centre for the coming year.

Increasingly, participation in institute courses is preparing the friends of God for an ever deeper engagement in the life of the wider community; it is endowing them with the knowledge, insights, and skills that enable them to contribute not only to the process of developing their own community, but to the progress of society. In short, the institute is a potent means for the society-building power of the Faith to find release.

Universal House of Justice, 30 December 2021

You are invited to register for courses of the training institute being held at the Bahá’í Training Centre throughout the year.  An annual programme offering Ruhi Books 1 to 14, open to all, is now available and can be viewed in this document >.  A guide to the programme is available in the video above, which is also accessible via YouTube.

The programme, which starts later this month with Ruhi Books 8 and 9, will offer all the books in the sequence of courses throughout the year. Courses will take place during weekends and weekdays outside of school holidays. Registration is now open for all courses using this link >.

The Bahá’í Training Centre has a service-oriented, volunteer-run philosophy. Participants and volunteers are needed to serve in the following areas: kitchens, cleaning, gardens, arranging rooms, laundry etc.  In this light, tutors, participants and volunteers are invited to offer their assistance using this link >

Service opportunity: Reception volunteers

The National Spiritual Assembly is seeking home-based volunteers to assist with answering telephone calls to the National Office.  The role may range from providing basic information to forwarding calls to individuals and offices as required. 

Volunteers should be available for at least half a day or more per week. They should have a relatively new mobile phone, a good Wi-Fi connection at home, and a desire to learn new skills. The calls are received and processed through a mobile app being installed on your phone. Friends can also use a dedicated handset provided by the National Assembly IT team if the use of a private phone is not feasible.

Training will be offered on the nature and spirit of the service, and on technical aspects of the role.

Interested friends are invited to apply to the Services Office at services@bahai.org.uk or use this link to apply for the position.

For the first time in more than two years, a full capacity Justice Conference will be held from Friday 15 to Monday 18 April 2022 at the De Poort Conference Centre in The Netherlands. This year’s conference theme is Building Trust in a Fragmented World: Trustworthiness and Justice. Registration is now open, here.  

If friends wish to make a proposal for a conference workshop or presentation, please submit urgently.  Submissions by legal scholars and practitioners, as well as by others in non-legal fields, are very welcome. To send your proposal, please submit it by filling out this form: The Justice Conference 2022 Proposal Form >

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