Category Archives: Youth conference

Youth gatherings

7 May 2018
10 Jamál 175 B.E.

To all believers in the United Kingdom

When replying please refer to: GC-32619

Dearly loved Friends,

London, Manchester and Oxford witnessed a series of extraordinary meetings on Saturday last, as nearly three hundred youth from across the country gathered to consider their essential role in building the civilization envisioned by Bahá’u’lláh. Although further gatherings will take place in Edinburgh on 19 May and later in June in Northern Ireland, the National Spiritual Assembly did not wish to delay in expressing its joy at what has already transpired, and to call upon families, the community and institutions to rally in support of the youth upon their return home.

Prompted by humanity’s desperate plight and the urgent needs of the Five Year Plan which is at a critical juncture in the United Kingdom, the youth at these gatherings were called upon to arise heroically, to follow in the footsteps of their spiritual forebears, and to reflect deeply on the sacrifice required to live coherent lives centred on service to humanity. At this critical time the youth were encouraged to ponder, “What will be your heroic contribution?”

In a spirit of joy and devoted zeal, the youth present considered the specific needs of the moment. These include the pioneer priorities at home and in the Balkans, mobile tutors, travelling teachers, devotion to the work in neighbourhoods and villages, teaching large numbers of their peers and others, and the development of their capacity to serve through engagement in the courses of the training institute.

How wonderfully the youth have already responded! Over one hundred pledges to serve have been received – an outpouring of desire to teach, to train, to build capacity, to pioneer, to form nuclei initiating and advancing programmes of growth.

Having responded so enthusiastically, we know that active, thoughtful support is needed for the expressed desire of these young souls to serve to bear fruit. The National Assembly is certain that the entire community and its institutions will give this its earnest and immediate attention. It asks parents, siblings, friends, fellow community members, cluster agencies, Local Spiritual Assemblies and groups – to each and all provide whatever practical, moral, spiritual and financial support necessary to enable the youth to fulfil their high hopes for the months ahead and beyond. We particularly urge parents of youth to give careful thought to how to create an environment where their children feel supported and encouraged to serve – whatever the sacrifice they may wish to make. This, may, indeed, involve a change in family plans, or in one’s outlook of what one expects of one’s child as they embark upon a path of service, a life of service. Whatever obstacle may arise, we are sure that through consultation, and through your own sacrificial efforts, creative solutions will be found, helping to enable this generation of youth to make a distinguished contribution and to lead the community as a whole towards greater heights of service.

During the Twelfth International Convention in the Holy Land, the National Assembly offered its ardent supplications in the Holy Shrines that growing cohorts of youth may be enkindled through Bahá’u’lláh’s Teachings with a passion to serve, and that with the wholehearted support of the community, the fire of their love for Him may blaze out before their compatriots.

With loving Bahá’í greetings,

Patrick O’Mara, Secretary

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