Category Archives: Persian Arts & Letters

Bahá’í Society for Persian Arts & Letters Conference

13 December 2017
3 Masá’il 174 B.E.

Please see below a message from the Baha’i Society for Persian Arts & Letters for your kind attention

Dear friends,

In recognition of the 200th Anniversary of the year of the birth of Baha’u’llah, the Persian Society for Arts and Letters proudly announces a befitting occasion for this celebration at its annual conference between 26-30 December this year (at Hilton Hotel Heathrow Terminal 5).

The conference theme of “World Order and Social Justice” is set in recognition of the message of the Blessed Beauty with a special dedicated session on Thursday the 28th of December.

A concert will be given at 8pm by the young Austrian pianist Dorothy Khadem-Missagh who made her first recording at the age of six and has been awarded since with many prizes as an outstanding pianist. At the International Beethoven Competition Bonn 2015 she was awarded the chamber music prize and the “Beethoven-Haus Preis” by the renowned members of the jury.

During the conference there will be talks by other esteemed speakers on the topic of the life of the Blessed Beauty including one by the renowned violinist Bijan Khadem-Missagh, the father of Dorothy, on “Music a key to understanding Reality” on Thursday afternoon, 28th December.

Due to limitation of space those wishing to attend the events or require further information are kindly requested to send their intentions to

Warmest love and greetings,

Baha’i Society for Persian Arts & Letters

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