Category Archives: Persian Arts & Letters

Persian Arts & Letters Conference 2017

11 October 2017
16 Mashíyyat 174 B.E.

Please see below a message from the Baha’i Society for Persian Arts & Letters for your kind attention

Dear Friends,

There is only one month before the special room prices revert to full price. Please make your reservations at the Hilton Hotel as soon as possible, for this year’s Persian Arts & letters Conference.

For information regarding registartion and accommodation, please visit

Please make your early booking and do not miss out on the reduced Hilton prices for the Conference.

For information regarding the speakers and the programme and to view clips of 2017 conference, please visit:-

Please share this with your friends and family as we are looking forward to welcoming you all at the Conference.

Warmest loving greetings,

Baha’i Society for Persian Arts & Letters

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