Category Archives: Iran

Believers in Iran

Letter to the believers in the Cradle of the Faith

The National Spiritual Assembly is happy to provide links to the messages to the letters addressed by the Universal House of Justice to the believers in the Cradle of the Faith. Click on the links below to download these letters in English and Persian.

Naw-Rúz message 179 (2022)
English online    English PDF   Persian online

24 October 2018
English  Persian

Naw-Rúz 173 (2016)
English Persian

4 February 2016 – Iran believers’ contributions to advancement of the Cause & of civilisation
English Persian

Naw-Rúz message 172 (2015)
English Persian

18 December 2014 – Mashriqu’l-Adhkár
English Persian

1 October 2014 – overcoming materialism, deceitfulness, fanaticism and other destructive forces
English Persian

13 May 2014 – rising levels of support for Bahá’ís in Iran
English Persian

Naw-Rúz message to the believers in the Cradle of the Faith 171 (2014)
English Persian

29 January 2014 – message to the Bahá’í youth in Iran
English Persian

27 August 2013 – Martyrdom of Mr ‘Atá’u’lláh Ridvání
English Persian

10 May 2013 – Remembrance at International Convention
English Persian

2 March 2013 – Bahá’í perspective on politics
English Persian

Naw-Rúz message to the believers in the Cradle of the Faith 170 (2013)
English Persian

2 January 2013 – Persian translation of The Prosperity of Humankind
English Persian  “The Prosperity of Humankind” – Persian translation

11 May 2012 – Current persecutions and defence efforts
English Persian

20 March 2012 – Reflections on Naw-Ruz and Springtime
English  Persian

1 March 2012 – Fasting
English  Persian

17 June 2011 – Access to education and the Bahá’í Institute for Higher Education
English Persian

14 May 2011 – Persecution, its effects, and response to persecution
English Persian

21 March 2011 – Naw-Rúz
English Persian

2 April 2010 – Social justice and wealth
English Persian

21 March 2010 – Naw-Rúz – tribulations and constructive resilience
English Persian

22 January 2010 – Participating in the life of society, politics and demonstrations
English Persian

10 January 2010 – Response to recent arrests
English Persian

24 November 2009 – Family life
English Persian

29 October 2009 – Family life
English Persian

23 June 2009 – Response to current events in Iran
English Persian

11 June 2009 – Supporting and serving others
English Persian

19 May 2009 – Strengthening the community and Bahá’í consultation
English Persian

14 May 2009 – Review of current situation in Iran
English Persian

26 March 2009 – Violation of human rights in Iran
English Persian

18 March 2009 – Consultation
English Persian

5 March 2009 – Persecution
English Persian

February 2009 – Steadfastness
English Persian

31 October 2008 – correcting misleading information
English  Persian

28 July 2008 – the oneness of humankind and overcoming prejudice
English  Persian

20 June 2008 – equality of men and women
English  Persian

3 June 2008 – response to persecution
English  Persian

19 May 2008 – response to the recent arrest of the Yaran
English  Persian

18 February 2008 – the Guardianship, the Universal House of Justice and Covenant-breaking

25 December 2007 – voices raised in defence of the Bahá’ís in Iran
English  Persian

9 September 2007 – to Bahá’í students deprived of access to higher education in Iran – responding to rejection
English  Persian

22 March 2006 – to Iranian believers outside Iran – teaching compatriots outside Iran
English  Persian

12 January 2004 – to Iranian believers residing outside Iran – avoiding actions that weaken the resolve of the Friends in Iran
English  Persian

26 November 2003 – Iran’s crisis of civilization & The Secret of Divine Civilization
English  Persian

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