Tag Archives: archives

Archive Assistant needed at the National Hazíratu’l-Quds

National Spiritual Assembly

3 March 2014
2 Ala 170 B.E.

To all believers in the United Kingdom.

Dear loved friends,

The National Spiritual Assembly is embarking upon a significant project to digitise its paper archives for permanent storage. To this end it is seeking an individual to serve full-time for 6-8 months to assist in the sorting and preparation of the materials. Work will begin as soon as possible and will be primarily located at the National Haziratu’l-Quds in London, but will involve some travel between London and Sandy, Bedfordshire, where the materials are to be stored. Some background knowledge of UK Bahá’í history and the administrative order will be helpful, although not essential. The candidate should be:

  • well organised, systematic and be able to give attention to detail,
  • able to follow guidelines and based on these guidelines, distinguish between papers and items that should be kept for archival purposes and those that need not.
  • familiar with tools such as Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word and
  • comfortable with working with web-based applications.

Some of the tasks to be undertaken include:

  • carefully reviewing all materials and documents without damaging them
  • assisting in making decisions about each item and document
  • assisting in the preparation of the materials for scanning, moving, and storage
  • assisting with the logistics of the transfer of materials from one storage location to another
  •  keeping good records of items that have been sorted and ensuring nothing is lost and that appropriate people are consulted in decision-making

The successful candidate will report to the Coordinator of Services at the National Hazíratu’l-Quds at 27 Rutland Gate.

A salary is available to enable this service to be carried out, if required, and further details are available on application.

Please send your CV and a letter explaining the reason why you would like to undertake this service to the National Spiritual Assembly at nsa@bahai.org.uk or by post to the Department of Services, 27 Rutland Gate, London SW7 1PD.

With warmest Bahá’í love,

National Spiritual Assembly.

Patrick O’Mara

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