Tag Archives: auxiliary board members

Change in Auxiliary Board membership

National Spiritual Assembly

9 May 2016
13 Jamál 173 B.E.

To all believers in the United Kingdom

Dearly loved friends,

The Continental Board of Counsellors in Europe has advised of a recent change of membership of the Auxiliary Board.

For personal reasons, Mrs. Talieh Mann-Kapoor has stepped down from service as Auxiliary Board member for protection serving in particular South and South-West England and the Channel Isles.

The National Spiritual Assembly wishes to extend its deepest gratitude and appreciation to dear Talieh for her many years of exemplary service in this capacity and for her tireless efforts in guiding and supporting the friends in these areas. We wish her every success in all her ongoing services to the Cause.

The Continental Board of Counsellors has not yet advised who will be appointed to replace Talieh, but you may be assured that we will share this news with the community as soon as it is received.

With loving Bahá’í greetings,

National Spiritual Assembly

Patrick O’Mara,

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