Tag Archives: auxiliary board members

CORRECTION: Change of Auxiliary Board membership

National Spiritual Assembly

6 June 2014
2 Núr 171 B.E.

To all believers in the United Kingdom

Dear Bahá’í Friends,

A correction has been made to a letter from the National Spiritual Assembly that was distributed on Wednesday concerning the change in membership of the Auxiliary Board. Please see below and attached an amended version of the letter.

With loving Bahá’í greetings,

Department of the Secretariat
National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of the United Kingdom

Dearly loved Friends,

The Continental Board of Counsellors in Europe has advised of a recent change of membership of the Auxiliary Board.

Mr. Samim Loftus has relinquished his service as an Auxiliary Board member for Propagation in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland, as he is leaving in order to undertake a new area of service at the Bahá’í World Centre. The Board of Counsellors has appointed Mrs. Sarah Sabour-Pickett to serve in his stead as a member of the Auxiliary Board over the remaining years of the five year term, until 26 November 2016.

The Continental Board of Counsellors writes:

“We are sure that you will join with us in prayer, beseeching the Ancient Beauty to assist Mrs. Sarah Sabour- Pickett and the other Auxiliary Board members in the discharge of their sacred duties.”

The National Spiritual Assembly wishes to extend its deepest gratitude to Samim for the exemplary service and guidance he has given to the friends in Northern Ireland in recent years. We wish him every success in all his endeavours.

The National Assembly also takes this opportunity to assure Sarah of its warmest love, prayers and collaboration in the months to come.

An updated copy of the contact list for the Auxiliary Board members is attached for the reference of the friends.

With loving Baha’i greetings,

National Spiritual Assembly

Patrick O’Mara,

Click here to download list of Auxiliary Board members

Click here to download PDF of the above letter

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