Tag Archives: Baha’i Council for England

Secretariat Aide for the Bahá‎’í Council for England

To all Bahá’ís in England

Dearly loved friends,

As the work towards achieving the goals of the remaining Five Year Plan increases, the Regional Bahá’í Council is urgently looking for a full-time Secretariat Aide to form part of a team (with two other Secretariat Aides), who are working to assist with the Council’s manifold and growing responsibilities.

Key aspects of this role will include (but are not limited to):

  • Assisting with the systematization of progress reports from clusters and ensuring that information from the field flows through the Secretariat to the Regional Council;
  • Assisting the Regional Development Team (RDT ) – the Council’s primary agency- in its support of the movement of clusters and associated administrative duties including the preparation of meeting agendas, taking minutes and ensuring that all action points are tracked and resolved in a timely manner. The Council’s Aide will also ideally join the RDT’s meetings which take place over Skype on weekday evenings. There is also the possibility for the Aide to travel and attend gatherings on behalf of the Regional Development Team during the week and periodically on weekends;
  • Assisting with all aspects of preparation for the Council’s meetings including drafting the agenda and ensuring that reports are prepared and sent to the members in advance;
  • Assisting with the follow up with all action points after Council meetings;
  • Managing the Secretariat mailbox, including prioritizing, delegating and/or actioning correspondence;
  • Drafting communications on behalf of the Council and collaborating with its members to ensure that the relevant content is conveyed;
  • Assisting with the organization of local and regional events including drafting invitation letters, following up with participants questions and requests and taking care of all logistical arrangements such as booking venues and accommodation where necessary;
  • Periodically attending local and regional events with Council members and taking minutes – e.g. seminars and institutional meetings.

Furthermore, the individual would have the following qualities and capacities:

  • A working knowledge of and experience working within the framework of the Five Year Plan;
  • Strong organizational skills with the ability to work proactively along multiple lines of action;
  • The ability to document and record processes and to synthesize quantitative and qualitative information;
  • An ability to work independently and as part of a collaborative team with flexibility and agility;
  • Principally, the candidate would have a willingness to be part of a learning environment, at the heart of which is a spiritual enterprise to advance the processes of growth.

A salary is offered to enable a successful applicant to carry out this service. As with all service to the Faith, there is also the opportunity to undertake the role on a voluntary or part-voluntary basis.

Individuals with the relevant experience and capacities who wish to apply for this position are asked to kindly submit a copy of their Curriculum Vitae, by return, together with a letter sharing their reasons for applying for this service, to the Regional Bahá’í Council for England at bce@bahai.org.uk.      

With loving Baha’i greetings,

Marco Milone,

Bahá’í Council for England

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