Tag Archives: Baha’i Council for England

Summer of the Herald – to all youth in England

To all youth in England

Dearly loved Friends,

Please see below a message from the Bahá’í Council for England.

With loving Bahá’í greetings,
Marco Milone

‘Never flinch in your great enterprise.
Deepen your knowledge of the Cause.
Strive to extend the sphere of your activities and seek to understand and promote the harmony that must exist between true science and Divine Revelation.
I will never fail to pray for you.
I have great hopes in the ultimate triumph of the task before you.’ 

(Shoghi Effendi, from a letter dated 23 January 1924 to the Bahá’í Young People of Chicago, USA)

To all youth residing in England

Dearly loved illumined youth,

The Bahá’í Council for England sends you its warmest love and greetings at the beginning of this springtime, ushering in a most auspicious and blessed year ahead!

In recent weeks the Council has been humbled to reflect on the many victories of communities across the region – in attracting increasing numbers of souls to the transformative and edifying message of Bahá’u’lláh. You, the youth, will often have been the spearheads and driving force of these efforts and have demonstrated your ability to rise above the confusion and chaos presented by a suffering world, to inspire hope, and to dedicate your energies to building vibrant communities that embody the noble principles of our Faith.

The bicentenary of the Birth of the Báb is less than two brief cycles away and we are entering the final stages of a historic period that is unique and full of spiritual potency!

As you well know, the Universal House of Justice describes these months that separate the bicentenary celebrations of 2017 and 2019, as a time that requires “the greatest share of the effort needed to fulfil the goal of the Plan”. The Council for England is eager therefore, to ensure that you are provided with the resources and support you need to fulfil your highest potential in contributing to the goals of the Plan, and in this connection, it wishes to share the following link to a web page ‘Summer of the Herald’ that includes information about service opportunities and events over the summer break that will be updated and shared regularly:  Summer of the Herald

Dedicated to the Martyr-Herald of our Faith, the landscape of activity across the summer is rich and diverse, ranging from intensive training opportunities, summer schools, teachings projects, to the ISGP course at the end of the season, and it is the Council’s fervent prayer that each one of you will feel supported to partake of the wealth of activities and service opportunities across the coming months.

Beloved youth, take courage as you ‘are once more summoned to the vanguard of a movement aimed at nothing less than the transformation of the world’! May the call from the House of Justice from its Ridván 2018 message confirm and inspire you as you continue to labour in the field of service.
‘The months ahead will also be a time for calling to mind the lives of the Báb’s intrepid followers—heroines and heroes whose faith was expressed in matchless, sacrificial acts that will forever adorn the annals of the Cause. Their qualities of fearlessness, consecration, and detachment from all save God impress themselves upon everyone who learns of their ventures. How striking, too, is the young age at which so many of those lionhearts made their indelible mark on history. During the coming period, may their example give courage to the entire company of the faithful—not least to the youth, who are once more summoned to the vanguard of a movement aimed at nothing less than the transformation of the world.’

Be assured, that the Council for England will continue to pray that your devoted efforts are aided by the Blessed Beauty and that it looks forward with anticipation to the victories that are yet to come – leading us towards the end of the Plan, the last in a series marking the first century of the formative age of the Faith.

 With abiding love and admiration,

Marco Milone

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