Tag Archives: Baha’i Council for Scotland

UK Bahá’í News Update

8 December 2020
17 Qawl 177 B.E.


– Video message from the National Spiritual Assembly
– Secretariat Aide to the Bahá’í Council for Scotland
– Ordering books during the holiday season
– The National Bahá’í Archives and Library: Service opportunities
– Audio versions of Elevate collections
– Indonesia: Gatherings provide fertile ground for hop
– “Topics that move Austria”: New video blog casts light on pressing issues

Video message from the National Spiritual Assembly

The video message prepared by the National Spiritual Assembly for last weekend’s Unit gatherings is available to view, for those who were unable to attend, on YouTube. here.  The video is for your own personal viewing only and you are kindly requested not to re-post it on social media.

Secretariat Aide to the Bahá’í Council for Scotland

An opportunity has arisen within the Secretariat of the Bahá’í Council for Scotland for an Aide, required for the equivalent of two days per week.  As with all service to the Faith, there is also the opportunity to undertake the post on a voluntary basis or part-voluntary basis.  The initial service period is one year, subject to review at the end of the period.   

A detailed description of the role and details for applying are here > 

Ordering books during the holiday season

The Bahá’í Books UK warehouse will soon be closing for the holiday season and annual stocktaking.  Special arrangements have been made to continue distributing Ruhi Institute materials for this period.  Please note that after Sunday 13 December only Ruhi books, selected English prayer books, Hidden Words, and Persian prayer books, will be available from the Bahá’í Books UK website.  It is not possible to order other materials during this period.  The re-opening date for ordering other books will be announced early in the new year.   

For Ruhi books in other languages, please email tiben.ruhimaterialsaide@bahai.org.uk.  If you are awaiting receipt of a Ruhi book, and in order not to delay study, it is possible to request online access by emailing your Regional Training Institute Board:

England:  tiben.ruhimaterialsaide@bahai.org.uk
Northern Ireland:  bcni@bahai.org.uk
Scotland:  tibsc@bahai.org.uk
Wales:  tibwa@bahai.org.uk

The National Bahá’í Archives and Library: Service opportunities

The deadline for applications to serve in the National Bahá’í Archives and Library is the end of this week.  An individual is being sought, initially for one year, full-time, to carry out the task of preparing archival materials for scanning, which includes arranging the papers and describing and cataloguing them.  Another post, initially for three months, full-time if possible, will carry out the task of sorting the remaining books in the National Bahá’í Library to categories and sub-categories, data capturing the details of each book, and other essential tasks.  For these positions, please send your application, with a CV or description of relevant experience and capacities by email to the Office of the Secretary at nsa@bahai.org.uk, on or before 11 December 2020.

Audio versions of Elevate collections

A number of the topic collections on the Elevate website are now available as audio versions.  These include the collections on Pupil of the EyeRecognising InterconnectednessResisting Passivity and Justice – Collective.

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