Tag Archives: Bahai Training Centre

Membership of the Bahá’í Council for Wales

5 August 2021
6 Kamál 178 B.E.

– Membership of the Bahá’í Council for Wales
– Bahá’í Training Centre service opportunities
– Anti-Bahá’í propaganda intensifies in Iran, evokes global outcry
– Faith leaders in the UAE foster coexistence, build unified vision

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All believers in the United Kingdom

Dearly loved Friends,

Owing to his recent appointment to the Auxiliary Board, Mr. Mathew James has stepped down from service on the Bahá’í Council for Wales.  While his contribution to the work of the Council will be greatly missed, we are confident that his continued services to the Faith in Greater London and the South East of England as the Board member for Protection will be bountifully confirmed and guided.  In this connection, we wish him every happiness and success in his future services to the Cause.

To fill the resulting vacancy, the National Spiritual Assembly is pleased to welcome Mr. Timothy Melville as a new member of the Bahá’í Council for Wales.

Please continue to keep the Regional Bahá’í Councils and their members in your prayers, as the National Assembly does, that they may be guided and strengthened in all of their endeavours.

With loving Bahá’í greetings,

Patrick O’Mara,

Bahá’í Training Centre – service opportunities

The Bahá’í Training Centre near Bicester, Oxfordshire has a service-oriented, volunteer-run philosophy.  All its purchases, setting-up and running costs have been, and continue to be met by voluntary donations and the time, skill and effort of many people.  As courses and programmes begin to re-commence, volunteers are invited to come forward to assist. 
Read more, here or register your details here if you would like to volunteer your services at the Centre.

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