Tag Archives: Bahai Training Centre

UK Bahá’í News Update

5 February 2020
18 Sulṭán 176 B.E.

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  • February half-term intensive training
  • Volunteers for the National Bahá’í Library
  • The Justice Conference 2020

February half-term intensive training 

Intensive training will take place at the Bahá’í Training Centre in Arncott, Oxfordshire, during February half term, from the evening of Friday 14 to Thursday 20 February.  There is an opportunity to register for Books 1-4, 6-8 or for Study Circles already running to study alongside others in a warm, vibrant environment.  The training is open to friends of 15 years old and upwards.  Volunteers are also sought for cooking and cleaning duties.

To register, please click, here >

Volunteers for the National Bahá’í Library 

The establishment of a library was described by Shoghi Effendi as a component part of the institution of the National Ḥazíratu’l-Quds which would “be increasingly regarded as the focus of all Bahá’í administrative activity, and symbolize, in a befitting manner, the ideal of service animating the Bahá’í community in its relation alike to the Faith and to mankind in general…”

An ongoing project to sort, classify and catalogue the books in the National Bahá’í Library is advancing well and the National Assembly requires more volunteers to assist with this important work. Friends, especially those in the London area, with some time to offer are invited to contact nsa@bahai.org.uk.

The Justice Conference 2020

Mr. Kiser Barnes, former member of the Universal House of Justice, will be the keynote speaker at the 25th Justice Conference, a Bahá’í-inspired forum for the exploration of international law, global governance, justice and ethics.

This year’s conference will take place at the DePoort Conference Centre, Netherlands, from 10-13 April 2020.  Click here for more information about the Conference or visit the website

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