Tag Archives: bicentenaries

UK Baha’i News Update

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  • Unit conventions 2019
  • Inspirational stories
  • Service opportunity in Northern Ireland
  • Sourcing teaching literature – update
  • Sale of goods at National Convention
  • Interfaith gathering of senior representatives followed by visit to
    Shrine of the Báb

Unit conventions 2019
The 2019 unit conventions will take place over the weekend of 30 November – 1 December 2019.  Please put these dates in your diary and keep this weekend free.  It would be wise not to plan any other Bahá’í activities during this weekend, until the specific date of the unit convention in your area has been selected.  This will facilitate as many friends as possible having the bounty of participating in this event which, as you are aware, is part of a process of profound significance within Bahá’í community life and, as noted in the 18 January 2019 message from the Universal House of Justice, “is itself an expression of peace”.

For reasons related to transportation, an exception to the above dates is provided to the ‘Shetland & Orkney Islands’ and the ‘North Highlands & Western Islands’ units.  This year the National Assembly has granted a further exception to unit 36, ‘Solent, Dorset & Channel Islands’.  In this light, these three units may hold their unit conventions between early September and mid‑October.

Inspirational stories
The Universal House of Justice has written that the period we are currently in – between the two bicentenaries – is when “the greatest share of the effort needed to fulfil the objectives of the Five Year Plan would be required.  This, therefore, must be the main focus of the believers in their clusters.” (To all National Spiritual Assemblies, 1 June 2018)

To inspire and encourage the friends, the National Assembly is sharing stories of individuals and communities in the United Kingdom, which it is hoped will assist all of the believers to view the day-to-day activities of the Plan as the most important and urgent work that needs to be done during this “period of special potency”, and the most fitting way to honour the Herald of the Faith and His ultimate sacrifice for the Cause of Bahá’u’lláh

The first selection of stories is available here >.  Please feel free to share them through home visits, at Feasts, or during any other opportunity that presents itself.

Service opportunity in Northern Ireland
A service opportunity has arisen for a Secretariat Aide to the Bahá’í Council for Northern Ireland. The individual would have the following qualities and capacities: Understanding of the work of the Plan; demonstrate organisational skills and the ability to document and record processes; ability to take initiative within established systems and procedures; strong writing skills and ability to prepare reports; ability to understand quantitative and qualitative information.  

It is anticipated the work would require a minimum of 14 hours a week for at least two years.  Remuneration is available to enable this service to be carried out.  If you are interested, kindly submit your CV with a covering letter to bcni.secretary@bahai.org.uk.

Sourcing teaching literature – update
The information sheet detailing the sources of various kinds of literature, suitable for teaching campaigns and projects, has been updated with additional sources and revised contact details. Click here for the latest version of the sheet. 

Sale of goods at National Convention 2018
If you intend to sell items at National Convention, please inform the co-ordinators – Mrs. Margaret Appa and Mrs. Erica Leith – by the end of March.  They may be contacted at erica@grbooks.com or margaretappa@gmail.com.  Please be aware that if you do not register you will not be able to sell goods, including surplus books.  The National Spiritual Assembly has requested that only items which could be regarded as being of service to the Faith are to be sold at National Convention.  If you are in doubt as to whether an item is ‘of service’ please consult with the co-ordinators.  All items must be reviewed or already have been reviewed by the relevant National Assembly review panel before they can be sold.  Please contact margaretappa@gmail.com for review of audio-visual items, details below.  For the Literature Review Panel, please write to lit.review@bahai.org.uk.

Interfaith gathering of senior representatives followed by visit to
Shrine of the Báb

In a pronounced show of interreligious unity, ten representatives of the Christian, Druze, Jewish, Muslim, and Bahá’í faiths, were joined by 17 Roman Catholic bishops and their advisers from abroad for a special interfaith discussion at the Bahá’í World Centre on religious coexistence on 14 January. After, the diverse group visited the Shrine of the Báb.  Read more, here >.

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