Tag Archives: Baha’i literature

Ordering Bahá’í Literature

The friends are also informed that since operations at the Bahá’í Books UK warehouse will be greatly reduced during the current period, a selection of literature and materials have been transferred for mailing out from the Bahá’í Training Centre.  These include: 

  • All published institute courses
  • All published children’s class and junior youth books
  • Selected volumes of Writings of the Báb, Bahá’u’lláh and ‘Abdu’l-Bahá
  • Works by Shoghi Effendi
  • Collections of letters from the Universal House of Justice
  • Prayer books of all kinds
  • Books that may be used to support devotional meetings (for example, illustrated gift books of prayers and readings)
  • Some children’s and junior youth books

The current crisis is deepening the thirst for spiritual nourishment among larger numbers of the population and it is hoped that this arrangement will enable the friends to continue ordering much needed books and materials to serve the needs of their communities, friends and neighbours.

Friends should make their orders through the Bahá’í Books UK website in the usual manner, and items will be sent out from the Baha’i Training Centre.  Those items that are not being stocked at the Training Centre will be dispatched later.

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