Tag Archives: bicentenary

Bicentenary News Update 3

Here is a third selection of activities from around the UK marking the bicentenary of the Birth of the Báb.  Please remember to report all bicentenary activities using the online form.  The 72-hour rolling news coverage continues on the international Bicentenary site and there’s more on theUK Bahá’í Bicentenary Facebook page.

Jim Shannon, MP for Strangford, welcomed guests to celebrations for the bicentenary hosted by the All-Party Parliamentary Group on the Bahá’í Faith in the Houses of Parliament, Westminster.  Actor and comedian Omid Djalili performed an extract from his play, A Strange Bit of History.

Bicentenary celebrations in Bangor, Northern Ireland.

More than 100 guests attended the bicentenary in Kensington and Chelsea, London, including HRH Princess Katarina of Yugoslavia, great-granddaughter of Queen Marie of Romania.

Festival at the Hub in Belfast’s Windsor neighbourhood, as featured in Dawn of the Light.

Friends gather to celebrate the bicentenary in Brighton.

Neighbourhood community celebrations took place in Ardwick, Manchester.

Bicentenary celebration in Poole Bay, including many friends from the more remote villages and towns of Dorset.  The meal was followed by a showing of Dawn of the Light.  The junior youth had made a hand-painted fabric hanging for the event which was on display.

Latest bicentenary news from around the Bahá’í world

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