Tag Archives: BWNS

UK Bahá’í News Update

14 July 2020
3 Kalimát 177 B.E.


 ISGP: University Graduate Seminar 2020
 Foreign Secretary joins call for release of Yemeni Bahá’í prisoners
 Elevate: new content

 BWNS: Bahá’ís of Papua New Guinea release statement in wake of increased gender-based violence in society 

University Graduate Seminar 2020

The Institute for Studies in Global Prosperity (ISGP) is pleased to announce the upcoming offering of its seminar for university graduates and young professionals in Europe. This seminar aims to assist young adults to develop the capacity to examine and analyse society and the forces acting upon it and to introduce relevant aspects of the Bahá’í Teachings both in their academic and professional fields and in other social spaces in which they are present.

Depending on the circumstances, the graduate seminar will either be offered from 18 to 29 December 2020 at the Tambach Seminar Centre in Germany, or alternative arrangements will be made.  Full details of the Seminar are available here >

The deadline for receiving completed application forms is 10 August 2020.

Foreign Secretary joins call for release of Yemeni Bahá’í prisoners 

The Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab has joined with the Foreign Ministers of Sweden and Germany to outline urgent action needed for bringing peaceful change to Yemen, including the immediate release of six Bahá’ís imprisoned solely for their beliefs.  

Read the Foreign Secretary’s statement, here >
Read the Bahá’í International Community news release, here >

Elevate: New content
Elevate is a collection of resources to support a growing movement to create greater spiritual consciousness.

Collections of prayers, readings and inspirational materials to use in devotional gatherings and inspire elevated conversation and action are now available on the topics of Recharging the Soul and Reframing Disintegration.




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