Tag Archives: carpets

Persian carpets for sale for the Fund

National Spiritual Assembly

28 September 2016
3 Mashíyyat 173 B.E.

To all believers in the United Kingdom

Dearly loved Friends,

We are happy to announce the sale of several Persian carpets which have been generously donated by a dear friend in his Will to be sold for the Bahá’í International Fund.

Details of the carpets are shown below:

Carpet No. 1 : 4150 mm x 2900mm : Kashan Carpet : £1,190.00

Carpet No. 2 : 4100 mm x 3100mm : Kashan Carpet : £1,190.00

Carpet No. 5 :4750 mm x 3200mm : Kashan Carpet : £1,960.00

Carpet No. 6 : 3000 mm x 2200mm : Afshar/Hinegoon : £ 770.00

Carpet No. 7 : 4000 mm x 1000mm : Kashan Carpet : £ 630.00

These carpets have been kept in a storage for several months and need to be washed and mothballed before they are used. Carpets are to be collected from London.

To see images, please see the below link:


Please write to the Office of the Treasurer (finance@bahai.org.uk) or by post to 27 Rutland Gate, London SW7 1PD with your offer for the carpet. The highest offer will be accepted and the money will go to the Bahá’í International Fund.

With loving Bahá’í greetings,

Vafa Ram

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