Tag Archives: chaplaincy

Opportunity to train & serve as a Bahá’í Healthcare Chaplain/Chaplaincy Volunteer in the NHS


22 December 2015
11 Masá’il 172 B.E.

Please see below a message from the Chaplaincy Team for your kind attention.


Opportunity to train & serve as a Bahá’í Healthcare Chaplain/Chaplaincy Volunteer in the NHS

The National Spiritual Assembly’s Chaplaincy Team invites friends in England and Wales who are interested in training to serve as healthcare chaplains and chaplaincy volunteers in the NHS and other healthcare settings to contact the team for further information about the latest training opportunity.

Healthcare chaplains and chaplaincy volunteers offer spiritual, religious and pastoral care to patients and staff in a range of healthcare settings, including hospitals, GP surgeries, hospices, and in community centres. The NHS is very keen to have chaplains from “other” faiths; this is an opportunity to render service to our communities by assisting those fighting medical battles, including staff and other volunteers.

Bahá’í healthcare chaplains undergo training and are authorised by the National Spiritual Assembly to attend to the spiritual needs of Bahá’ís and those of other faiths or of no particular faith in the NHS and other healthcare settings.

Please note that Bahá’ís trained and authorised for this service have no special role within the Bahá’í community. Arrangements for pastoral care within the Bahá’í community are the responsibility of the Bahá’í institutions.

A brand new introductory training programme is being offered by the Healthcare Chaplaincy Faith & Belief Group, to which the National Spiritual Assembly belongs, for aspiring chaplains of all faiths.

We ask those who are interested in pursuing this exciting opportunity for training and service to contact the Chaplaincy Team by email to elizabeth.jenkerson@btopenworld.com as soon as possible.

With loving Bahá’í greetings,

Chaplaincy Team

NB. Sadly we are unable to provide training at this stage for aspiring chaplains in Northern Ireland and Scotland, each of which has its own NHS set-up.

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