Tag Archives: communications


National Spiritual Assembly

23 February 2017
19 Mulk 173 B.E.

All believers in the United Kingdom

Dearly loved Friends,

We would like to share with you an update on various developments pertaining to the means by which the National Spiritual Assembly can communicate with the friends.

Many of you will remember participating in a survey which sought to find out more about the use and content of the NEWS email service, the UK Bahá’í magazine and other means of communication.  As a result of this survey, a number of lines of action are now under way which it is hoped will soon come to fruition.

The UK Bahá’í magazine is being reconceptualised as a publication that the believers can freely share with community of interest members, friends, family and public figures who may be interested to know about the Bahá’í community and what it does.  The quarterly publication will take a different theme each issue, exploring it in an accessible, interesting and readable manner.  The first issue, which takes the theme of worship and service and its expression in the community – from neighbourhood devotionals to Mashriqu’l-Adhkár – is in production and will hopefully be published shortly, in electronic and print formats.  We apologise that such a long period has elapsed since the last issue of UK Bahá’í appeared and hope the friends will derive much inspiration from the new publication when it is released, and share it widely.

Efforts are also under way to improve the presentation and appeal of the NEWS emails themselves, linking them to items of interest on the Bahá’í Resources site https://resources.bahai.org.uk  on the Bahá’í World News Service http://news.bahai.org and the Office of Public Affairs’ UK Bahá’í News site http://news.bahai.org.uk/

The National Assembly would like to encourage those friends who are not yet registered to access the Bahá’í Resources site to do so by visiting its homepage https://resources.bahai.org.uk  The site is now the main repository of news, information, resources and guidance, and it is being continually updated.

With loving Bahá’í greetings,

Patrick O’Mara,

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