Tag Archives: Elevate

UK Bahá’í News Update

9 July 2020
17 Raḥmat 177 B.E.


 The Resting Place of Shoghi Effendi
 Institute for Studies in Global Prosperity 2020 seminars – registration open
 Opportunities to serve at the Bahá’í World Centre
 Bahá’í International Community video: Global vision, local action
 Elevate: New content

The Resting Place of Shoghi Effendi

 The enclosure at the Guardian’s Resting Place is now re-opened to visitors, during the daily opening hours of 0930-1730hrs. 

The gate to the enclosure will be left open during these times.  The custodian’s hut will remain closed.

The National Spiritual Assembly kindly requests that visitors observe the following regulations until further notice:

  • No more than six people should pray at the monument at any one time;
  • Social distancing of two metres must be maintained, both within and outside of the enclosure;
  • Friends should refrain from putting their heads on, or touching, the marble steps of the monument;
  • Social interactions should be limited to the close friends or the household you are visiting the Resting Place with; 
  • Please refrain from gathering outside the enclosure and conversing in close proximity with anyone outside of your own visiting group.

Your kind cooperation is deeply appreciated.

Institute for Studies in Global Prosperity 2020 seminars – registration open

Registration is now open for this summer’s seminars for undergraduate students offered by the Institute for Studies in Global Prosperity (ISGP).  

These seminars are a highly valued part of the rhythm of our community life, and an integral element of the educational processes that begin with children’s classes and continue through the Junior Youth Spiritual Empowerment Programme and courses of the training institute, as well as being an essential contributor to the movement of youth.

A video introduction to the seminars has been prepared and is available to download here:  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1V3rlF9C7ENOcPyljIzH0G7aLF3DVG0D2/view

As mentioned previously, in light of the current COVID-19 pandemic and the uncertainty that surrounds it, the decision has been taken to postpone the holding of the ISGP undergraduate seminars in person. 

In its place, there will be an online seminar taking place 20-24 August 2020. There will be four seminars running in parallel:

  • Year 4 seminar open to those who have previously completed Year 3
  • Year 3 seminar open to those who have previously completed Year 2
  • Year 2 seminar open to those who have previously completed Year 1
  • Year 1 seminar for those starting the programme

All those wishing to attend should register by 31 July using the following link: https://forms.gle/6p7SQXkGeHPFV8e27.
This is to ensure the seminar materials can reach each participant in good time. 

It is hoped that as many university students as possible will be able to attend these seminars, which are of such value in shaping a coherent life of service. If you have any questions or would like further information please contact the ISGP coordinating team for the UK & Ireland via isgpuk@gmail.com.  

Opportunities to serve at the Bahá’í World Centre

As the vital work of the Cause unfolds in every part of the world, the effective functioning of the Bahá’í World Centre takes on added significance.  The World Centre of the Faith––described by Shoghi Effendi as the “pivot of the agencies of the New World Order”––is supported by a flow of believers from a diversity of countries and occupations who arise selflessly to offer a period of service, of varying length, in the Holy Land.  The staffing needs at the World Centre are continually changing in light of the evolving demands and available resources.  At any given time, there are roles to be filled which require particular competencies or specialized training, and others that simply require a readiness to learn about one’s specific assignment.  Due to the nature of service at the World Centre, the essential requirements include an ability to offer 12 months or more and a basic proficiency in English.

Anyone interested in learning more about the possibility of offering a period of service at the World Centre is encouraged to contact the Office of Personnel at serve@bwc.org.  Offers of service can also be submitted directly at https://bahai.bwc.org/service/.

Bahá’í International Community video:
Global vision, local action

One of the themes at this year’s UN High-Level Political Forum is “bolstering local action,” focusing on the global development agenda at the local level. The BIC has created a short film sharing experiences from grassroots actors around the world.  Watch video here >

Elevate: New content

Collections of prayers, readings and inspirational materials to use in devotional gatherings and inspire elevated conversation and action are now available on the topic of Reframing Disintegration.

Other themes available include Resisting Passivity, Upholding Justice at the Collective Level, Upholding Justice at the Individual Level, Change, Overcoming Racism, Mental Health, Joy, Wellness, Hope, Friendship, Patience, Strength and Gratitude.

www.elevateworld.org @elevate.world facebook.com/elevatewrld

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