Tag Archives: Falkland Islands

Opportunity to live and work in the Falkland Islands

Dear Friends,
Please see an email below from the Spiritual Assembly of Stanley in the Falkland Islands.
With loving greetings,
UK Pioneering & Travel Teaching Committee

From: Spiritual Assembly of Stanley [secretary@bahai.fk]
Sent: 10 June 2015 13:55
To: NSA; nsa@bahai.org.uk
Subject: Opportunities in the Falkland Islands (June 2015)

Dear Friends,

It has been some time since we sent a message about job opportunities available in the Falkland Islands. We hope once more you are able to pass this information on to your communities. Our small, dedicated Bahá’í community is hoping to encourage Bahá’ís who may be interested in an international challenge while assisting the Faith at the same time.

We are a remote Overseas Territory of the United Kingdom located in the South Atlantic Ocean. The main income of the Islands is presently the sale of deep-sea fishing licences, followed by tourism and agriculture (mostly sheep farming for wool) with a growing contribution from licensing for oil exploration.

All sectors of the economy have done very well in the past few years and both Government and private employers are having trouble filling the number of positions available. Although jobs are most always first advertised in the local newspaper, there is no comprehensive jobs listing available in the Islands that shows all jobs, their overseas application deadlines or whether or not positions advertised have actually been filled.

The Government Human Resources Department has a link here:
to click through to a Government jobs list.

The Chamber of Commerce does not have a ‘jobs’ page for its members, but individuals may contact their office:
for information about private sector jobs.

The job classifieds in the local newspaper – Penguin News – are inside the back pages of the paper. The paper is available on-line by subscription:
Or, please get in touch as we can send the details of relevant local listings.

Job qualifications especially for professionals can be different than might be the norm outside the Islands. Being small and isolated it is usually very important for successful candidates to have extensive and broad experience in order to cope with a variety of demands where they may be the only professional in their field in the Islands.

Any Bahá’ís interested in job opportunities in the Falkland Islands – whether they see a job listing in their profession or not – may contact us for more information as some employers are always looking for staff.

Interested Bahá’ís may also wish contact us for information about our community and Bahá’í acitivities before deciding whether to approach a prospective employer or apply for a position. Please see our website http://www.bahai.fk, or our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/pages/Falkland-Island-Bahai-Community/543583405764707

Contact the Spiritual Assembly at email: secretary@bahai.fk or contact Montana Short on FACEBOOK montana.short@facebook.com or https://www.facebook.com/montana.short

Thank you for your assistance.

With best regards,


Margo-Amee Smallwood
Corresponding Secretary
Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís
of Stanley, Falkland Islands


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