Tag Archives: Five Year Plan

National Spiritual Assembly officers

National Spiritual Assembly

15 December 2016
5 Masá’il 173 B.E.

To all believers in the United Kingdom

Dearly loved Friends,

On 29 December 2015, in its message to the Conference of the Continental Boards of Counsellors, the Universal House of Justice set before the Bahá’í world a formidable objective: to raise the number of clusters where a programme of growth has become intensive to 5,000 by Ridvan 2021.

In order to “discharge their duties effectively,” the House of Justice informed us that regional and national institutions “will need to remain fully acquainted with developments at the grassroots and what is being learned in the clusters whose progress they oversee[…]The need to stay well informed about the community’s accumulating experience holds particular implications for National Assemblies in larger countries that have several Regional Councils, notably so when the Assembly has devolved to Councils the work of administering the institute. Here, new arrangements at the national level have sometimes been necessary to provide the Assembly with cogent analysis of what is being learned across all regions.”

Following consultation about such new arrangements which may be required at the national level, the National Spiritual Assembly has requested that its Secretary focus a large proportion of his time to following the processes of growth, accompanying the Regional Bahá’í Councils and their institute boards, thus enabling the National Assembly to be better able to support the efforts of the friends.

To allow the Secretary to focus on this most urgent of tasks, the National Assembly has also decided to create a new position of Assistant Secretary, appointing Mr. Robert Weinberg to serve in this capacity. Mr. Weinberg will continue to serve as the elected Chairman of the National Spiritual Assembly.

All correspondence to the National Spiritual Assembly should continue to be sent to nsa@bahai.org.uk.

Furthermore, following the recent by-elections, we are happy to inform you that Mrs. Vivien Craig has now been elected to serve as the Assembly’s Vice-Chairman.

The National Assembly assures all the believers of its fervent, ongoing prayers and invites you to remember the institutions of the Cause and their members in the United Kingdom, as they also strive to carry out the “herculean labour” required to win the goals of this Five Year Plan.

With loving Bahá’í greetings,

Patrick O’Mara,

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